Hepatitis C

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In 2018, New York State made the commitment to eliminate hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a virus that infects the liver. Most people with hepatitis C do not even know they have it. Left untreated, hepatitis C can cause serious health effects and even death. However, today there are treatments available that cure hepatitis C with few side effects.

Click on resources below to learn about hepatitis C and what you can do to help New York State eliminate hepatitis C:

  • Get the Facts
  • Our Stories
  • Help Eliminate Hep C
  • Spread the Word

Get the Facts

You can view and share these videos to learn about hepatitis C and how it is diagnosed and treated.

Videos to Share

Or read these factsheets to find out what hepatitis C is, how you can get tested for hepatitis C and how hepatitis C is treated.

Our Stories

We know about Hepatitis C. Learn from our personal stories.

Hear our stories of challenge and triumph over hep C. Listen as we tell you how we are helping to eliminate hep C in New York State, and learn how you can help too.

We Cure Hepatitis C. Learn why treating Hepatitis C is important to us:

Listen as we tell you how we are helping to treat and eliminate hepatitis C in New York state, and learn how you can help too.

Help Eliminate Hepatitis C

You can help New York State eliminate hepatitis C. Find out how:

Spread the Word

Do you need resources to help spread awareness about Hepatitis C? Use these.

NY Cures Hepatitis C Campaign. The only way New York can eliminate hepatitis C is if New Yorkers help us to spread the word. Use these multi-media resources to promote hepatitis C awareness, prevention, and treatment in New York State.

Celebrate Cure Day. New York State Hepatitis C Cure Day is an annual event during May for National Hepatitis Awareness Month. Cure Day is an opportunity to celebrate those cured of hepatitis C, encourage those at risk to be tested, and motivate patients to initiate or continue their treatment. Use the Cure Day Tool Kit to host, promote and celebrate Hepatitis C Cure Day.

Educational and Promotional Materials. View, print and order from a selection of hepatitis C posters, fact sheets, palm cards, counseling pads, and other materials available from the New York State Department of Health.

Universal Hepatitis C Teating. Did you know hepatitis C testing is for everyone? The New York State Hepatitis C Testing Law requires a hepatitis C screening test to be provided to everyone 18 years or older, people with a risk who are younger than 18 years and every pregnant person during each pregnancy.

Share your Hepatitis C Story! Share your experience getting tested, treated and cured with people you know who may be at risk for hepatitis C. Share your story online with #NYCuresHepC and tell us how hepatitis C has affected your life. Your story could motivate others to get tested or seek treatment.

NY Cures Hep C

Get Tested. Get Treated. Get Cured.