Program Structure


One hour once a week

  • 15 minutes to gather participants
  • 30 for enjoying wine and cheese
  • 15 minutes return to community

Participants in the Program

This is a program for very impaired "behavior problem" residents (usually with hostile defensive or withdrawn behavior). The staff caring for these residents are usually stressed and it shows in their approaches to them. Participation is limited to residents with similar levels of functioning in order to promote a consistent environment and to foster group ownership and cohesiveness. This ensures that the level of operation of the group is consistent with the participants' limited abilities.

Group Size

Six to eight residents

Selection of Residents

  1. Residents with similar communication skills.
  2. Ability to utilize both fine and gross motor skills.

Entrance Criteria

  1. Resident experiences difficulty in adapting to facility routines or rules for social behavior.
  2. Resident is capable of some socially appropriate response, even if only when approached in a friendly undemanding manner.
  3. Resident is believed able to participate in this group safely, and with some therapeutic benefit.

Exit Criteria

  1. Resident is no longer able to attend and participate.
  2. Resident refuses to participate.

Physical Environment and Equipment Needed

  1. A quiet private room with no distractions with enough room to place residents in wheelchairs if necessary.
  2. A table set with a tablecloth and a centerpiece.
  3. Wine glasses.
  4. Non-alcoholic wine.
  5. Platter of assorted cut cheeses with crackers.
  6. Plates and cocktail napkins.

Staff Requirements

  1. One program facilitator


  1. Appoint a facilitator to learn the program, set it up and be available as a contact person for the participants in the program.
  2. Train interested staff about how to participate in the program.
  3. Set up a schedule for the intervention.
  4. Arrange for a location that is comfortable and private.
  5. Inform staff of the time, place and frequency of the intervention to allow them to have the appropriate residents ready for the intervention.
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