Preparing Emergency Response Plans - Drinking Water Systems

All drinking water systems and the people and businesses they serve will benefit from a well prepared emergency response plan. In New York State all community water systems that serve more than 3,300 people are required by State Public Health Law (sec. 1125) to prepare and submit a water supply emergency plan (WSEP). Although not required, smaller community water systems are encouraged to prepare a WSEP. These plans are submitted to the County Health Department or State Health Department District Health Office that regulates the utility. Some counties have additional WSEP requirements that water systems must meet.

To be useful, WSEP need to be complete, up to date, organized to find important information quickly, and readily available when needed. Each WSEP must include an assessment of vulnerability to water supply contamination and disruption, including the possibility of terrorist and cyber attack.

Emergency Response Plan Guidance and Format Information

Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessments

Additional Resources

Vulnerability Assessment Software