DAL 16-12 - Guide for Quality Assurance (QA) in Adult Care Facilities

April 28, 2016

DAL: DAL 16-12
SUBJECT: Guide for Quality Assurance (QA) in Adult Care Facilities

Dear Administrator:

This letter is to inform you that the Division of Adult Care Facility (ACF) and Assisted Living Surveillance has developed a "Guide for Quality Assurance in Adult Care Facilities" to serve as a resource for ACF operators, administrators and staff with understanding the basic principles of QA/Quality Improvement (QI) and with the application of these principles when developing and implementing their QA/QI plans(s) for each area of operation in the facility.

Specific areas discussed include:

  • ACF QA Regulatory Requirements
  • QA Overview
  • QA Plan
  • QA Committee
  • QA Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Method
  • Additional QA Requirements for ACFs under the conjoined jurisdiction of the NYS Department of Health (DOH) and The Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs

As we move forward in the 2016-17 fiscal year, the Division will heighten its focus on QA/QI activities. If you have questions regarding the information contained in this guide, please contact Dorothy Persico at (518) 408-1133 for further clarification.


Valerie A. Deetz, Director
Division of ACF and Assisted Living Surveillance
