Email the Division of Hospitals and Diagnostic & Treatment Centers (Clinics)


You have reached the Bureau Mail Box for the Division of Hospitals and Diagnostic and Treatment Centers. Questions can be submitted using the form below. Please select from the subjects found in the drop-down list. Your question may be directed to other offices within the Department of Health or to another State agency if the subject does not pertain to this Division. If you have multiple questions which relate to different subjects, please submit each separately. You will receive a quicker response.

Before Filing a Complaint
Before filing a complaint, concern or inquiry, please first review and select from the subject drop-down list to see if your question or concern can be directed to other offices within the Department of Health or to another State agency. If you have multiple questions which relate to different subjects, you can submit each separately. You will receive a quicker response. If, after reviewing the list, you still would like to file a complaint, click on the direct link to the electronic Facility Complaint Form.
Confirm your email address
Please zip multiple files and submit as one attachment.
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