Single Source Procurement: New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS)

The New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Immunization received a Contract Reporter exemption request to increase the value and scope of work under current contract C-029245 with HP Enterprise Services (HP) in order to allow HP to complete system enhancements on the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) in line with recent public health funding for the CMS Meaningful Use Program. The proposed scope of work will start on 12/01/2014 and go through 09/30/2015. The current contract is valued at $9,234,179. The proposed revision adds $302,936.00, a 3.2% increase on the contract value. Maintaining the same vendor that has been involved with the development and programming aspects of NYSIIS since the inception of the project will allow modifications and enhancements to be made both quickly and efficiently, and in the most cost effective manner. Since HP is the vendor with the knowledge base and experience necessary, continuing to contract with this vendor is the best approach to providing the enhanced functionality, while leveraging the initial NYSIIS investment.

Procurement / Program Name New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS)
Contractor Name(s) HP Enterprises
Contract Period 12/01/2014 – 9/30/15
Contract Number(s) C029245