GIS 13 MA/002: 2013 Medicaid Only Income and Resource Levels and Spousal Impoverishment Standards

To: Local District Commissioners, Medicaid Directors

From: Judith Arnold, Director - Division of Health Reform and Health Insurance Exchange Integration

Subject: 2013 Medicaid Only Income and Resource Levels and Spousal Impoverishment Standards

Effective Date: January 1, 2013

Contact Person: Local District Support Unit - Upstate (518) 474-8887, New York City (212) 417-4500

The purpose of this General Information System (GIS) message is to advise local department of social services (LDSS) of the income levels and figures used in determining Medicaid eligibility effective January 1, 2013.

Due to a 1.7 percent cost of living adjustment for Social Security Administration (SSA) payments effective January 1, 2013, several figures used in determining Medicaid eligibility must be updated. With an increase to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit levels, the Medically Needy income and resource levels will be adjusted accordingly. In addition, an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) requires an adjustment to the Medicaid Income Standards used for Singles/Childless Couples and Low Income Families.

As a result of these changes, a Mass Rebudgeting (MRB) will be performed the weekend of December 22, 2012 for New York City (NYC) and January 19, 2013 for Upstate districts. Reductions in coverage are to be made effective February 1, 2013, or later, following 10 day notification. Budgets that utilize a federal poverty level will not be included in this Mass Rebudgeting. When the actual federal poverty levels (FPL) are available, a second Mass Rebudgeting of the affected cases will be performed. A separate GIS message will be issued when the 2013 FPLs are available.

For Upstate districts, if a budget utilizing the medically needy income levels is calculated prior to the Mass Rebudgeting completion date, and has a "From" date of January 1, 2013, the 2013 social security benefit amount(s) should be used in the budget. If using the 2013 social security benefit amount(s) with the 2012 Medicaid income levels results in a person having an increased spenddown or going from being fully Medicaid eligible to a spenddown, current case coverage should be continued until the 2013 Medicaid levels are available (January 21, 2013). These cases will not be included in the Mass Rebudgeting since the MBL budget "From" date is not prior to January 1, 2013. Districts will need to store the budget again for these cases after the Mass Rebudgeting date.

NOTE: Budgets with a "From" date of January 1, 2013 or later that utilize a FPL must be calculated with the 2012 social security benefit amount(s) and Medicare Part B premium, until the 2013 FPLs are available on MBL. Upstate districts should separately identify these cases for rebudgeting once the 2013 FPLs are available as these cases will not be included in Phase Two of Mass Rebudgeting. In New York City, the 2012 social security benefit amounts and Part B premium should be used until Phase Two of Mass Rebudgeting. Mass Rebudgeting in NYC will include cases with a "From" date of January or February.

Effective January 1, 2013, Medicaid eligibility must be determined using the following figures:

House Hold Size Medicaid STD S/CC - LIF Medicaid Income Level Resources
Annual Monthly Annual Monthly
ONE 8,994 750 9,600 800 14,400
TWO 11,228 936 14,100 1,175 21,150
THREE 13,360 1,114 16,215 1,352 24,323
FOUR 15,512 1,293 18,330 1,528 27,495
FIVE 17,737 1,479 20,445 1,704 30,668
SIX 19,364 1,614 22,560 1,880 33,840
SEVEN 21,078 1,757 24,675 2,057 37,013
EIGHT 23,278 1,940 26,790 2,233 40,185
NINE 24,538 2,045 28,905 2,409 43,358
TEN 25,800 2,150 31,020 2,585 46,530
EACH ADD'L PERSON 1,262 106 2,115 177 3,3173
  • 1. Medicaid Income Standards, Medically Needy Income and Resource Levels.
  • 2. The Supplemental Security Income federal benefit rate (FBR) for an individual living alone is $710/single and $1,066/couple.
  • 3. The allocation amount is $375, the difference between the Medicaid income level for a household of two and one.
  • 4. The 249e factors are .967 and .165.
  • 5. The SSI resource levels remain $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples.
  • 6. The State supplement remains $87 for an individual and $104 for a couple living alone.
  • 7. The Medicare Part A premium is $243/month for 2013 for individuals having 30-39 work quarters. This is a $5 decrease from 2012. The Medicare Part A premium will be $441/month for those who are not otherwise eligible for premium-free hospital insurance and have less than 30 work quarters. This is a decrease of $10 from 2012.
  • 8. The Maximum federal Community Spouse Resource Allowance is $115,920.
  • 9. The Minimum State Community Spouse Resource Allowance remains $74,820.
  • 10. The community spouse Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA) is $2,898.
  • 11. Maximum Family Member Allowance is $631 until the FPLs for 2013 are published in the Federal Register.
  • 12. Family Member Allowance formula number is $1,892 until the FPLs for 2013 are published in the Federal Register.
  • 13. Personal Needs Allowance for certain waiver participants subject to spousal impoverishment budgeting is $375.
  • 14. Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA): Non-Blind $1,040/month, Blind $1,740/month, Trial Work Period (TWP) $750/month.
  • 15. SSI-related student earned income disregard limit of $1,730/monthly up to a maximum of $6,960/annually.
  • 16. The home equity limit for Medicaid coverage of nursing facility services and community-based long-term care is $802,000.

Medicare Part B Premium

The standard Medicare Part B monthly premium will be $104.90 in 2013. This will be an increase of $5 from the 2012 premium of $99.90.

The 2013 COLA increase of 1.7% combined with the increase in Medicare Part B premium should not have a negative impact on Medicaid eligibility.

Please direct any questions to the Local District Support Unit at 518-474-8887 and 212-417-4500 for NYC.

New York State Income and Resource Standards Effective January 1, 2013
House Hold Size Medicaid STD S/CC - LIF Medicaid Income Level 100% FPL 120% FPL 133% FPL 135% FPL 150% FPL 160% FPL 185% FPL 200% FPL 250% FPL Resources SSI Related Only
Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly
ONE 8,994 750 9,600 800 11,170 931 13,404 1,117 14,857 1,239 15,080 1,257 16,755 1,397 17,872 1,490 20,665 1,723 22,340 1,862 27,925 2,328 14,400 1
TWO 11,228 936 14,100 1,175 15,130 1,261 18,156 1,513 20,123 1,677 20,426 1,703 22,695 1,892 24,208 2,018 27,991 2,333 30,260 2,522 37,825 3,153 21,150 2
THREE 13,360 1,114 16,215 1,352 19,090 1,591 - - 25,390 2,116 - - 28,635 2,387 30,544 2,546 35,317 2,944 38,180 3,182 - - 24,323 3
FOUR 15,512 1,293 18,330 1,528 23,050 1,921 - - 30,657 2,555 - - 34,575 2,882 36,880 3,074 42,643 3,554 46,100 3,842 - - 27,495 4
FIVE 17,737 1,479 20,445 1,704 27,010 2,251 - - 35,924 2,994 - - 40,515 3,377 43,216 3,602 49,969 4,165 54,020 4,502 - - 30,668 5
SIX 19,364 1,614 22,560 1,880 30,970 2,581 - - 41,191 3,433 - - 46,455 3,872 49,552 4,130 57,295 4,775 61,940 5,162 - - 33,840 6
SEVEN 21,078 1,757 24,675 2,057 34,930 2,911 - - 46,457 3,872 - - 52,395 4,367 55,888 4,658 64,621 5,386 69,860 5,822 - - 37,013 7
EIGHT 23,278 1,940 26,790 2,233 38,890 3,241 - - 51,724 4,311 - - 58,335 4,862 62,224 5,186 71,947 5,996 77,780 6,482 - - 40,185 8
NINE 24,538 2,045 28,905 2,409 42,850 3,571 - - 56,991 4,750 - - 64,275 5,357 68,560 5,714 79,273 6,607 85,700 7,142 - - 43,358 9
TEN 25,800 2,150 31,020 2,585 46,810 3,901 - - 62,258 5,189 - - 70,215 5,852 74,896 6,242 86,599 7,217 93,620 7,802 - - 46,530 10
EACH ADD'L PERSON 1,262 106 2,115 177 3,960 330 - - 5,267 439 - - 5,940 495 6,336 528 7,326 611 7,920 660- - 3,173 +
Spousal Impoverishment
Spousal Impoverishment Income Resources
Community Spouse $2,898 $115,920
Institutionalized Spouse $50 $14,400
Family Member Allowance $1,892 is used in the FMA formula the maximum allowance is $631. N/A

*In determining the community resource allowance on and after January 1, 2013, the community spouse is permitted to retain resources in an amount equal to the greater of the following $74,820 or the amount of the spousal share up to $115,920. The spousal share is the amount equal to one-half of the total value of the countable resources of the couple as of the beginning of the most recent continuous period of institutionalization of the institutionalized spouse on or after September 30, 1989.

Revised December 14, 2012

Category Income Compared Household Size Resource Level Special Notes
1 2 1 2
Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women 100% FPL N/A 1,261 No Resource Test Qualified provider makes the presumptive eligibility determination. Cannot spen-down to become eligible for presumptive eligibility.
200% FPL N/A 2,522
Pregnant Women 100% FPL N/A 1,261 No Resource Test A woman determined eligible for Medicaid for any time during her pregnancy remains eligible for Medicaid coverage until the last day of the month in which the 60th day from the date the pregnancy ends occurs, regardless of any change in income, resources or household composition. If the income is above 200% FPL the A/R must spend-down to the Medicaid income level. The baby will have guaranteed eligibility for one year.
200% FPL N/A 2,522
Children Under One 200% FPL 1,862 2,522 No Resource Test If the income is above 200% FPL the A/R must spend-down to the Medicaid income level. One year guaranteed eligibility if mother is in receipt of Medicaid on delivery. Eligibility can be determined in the 3 months retro to obtain the one year extension.
Children Age 1 Through 18 133% FPL 1,239 1,677 No Resource Test If the income is above 133% FPL the A/R must spenddown to the Medicaid income level.
Under 21, ADC-Related and FNP Medicaid Level 800 1,175 No Resource Test FNP parents cannot spenddown.
SINGLES/CHILDLESS COUPLES MEDICAID STANDARD 750 936 No Resource Test The A/R cannot spend-down income.
LOW INCOME FAMILIES MEDICAID STANDARD 750 936 No Resource Test The A/R cannot spend-down income.
SSI-RELATED MEDICAID LEVEL 800 1,175 14,400 21,150 Household size is always one or two.
Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) 100%FPL 931 1,261 No Resource Test Medicare Part A & B, coinsurance, deductible and premium will be paid if eligible.
COBRA CONTINUATION COVERAGE 100%FPL 931 1,261 4,000 6,000 A/R may be eligible for Medicaid to pay the COBRA premium.
AIDS INSURANCE 185%FPL 1,723 2,333 No Resource Test A/R must be ineligible for Medicaid, including COBRA continuation.
QUALIFIED DISABLED & WORKING INDIVIDUAL 200%FPL 1,862 2,522 4,000 6,000 Medicaid will pay Medicare Part A premium.
SPECIFIED LOW INCOME MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES (SLIMBS) BETWEEN 100% BUT LESS THAN 120%FPL 931 1,261 No Resource Test If the A/R is determined eligible, Medicaid will pay Medicare Part B premium.
1,117 1,513
QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS (QI-1) BETWEEN 120% BUT LESS THAN 135%FPL 1,117 1,513 No Resource Test If the A/R is determined eligible, Medicaid will pay Medicare Part B premium.
1,257 1,703
FAMILY HEALTH PLUS PARENTS LIVING WITH CHILDREN SINGLES/CHILDLESS COUPLES 150% FPL 1,397 1,892 No Resource Test The A/R must be ineligible for Medicaid. The A/R cannot spend-down to become eligible for Family Health Plus.
100% FPL 931 1,261
FAMILY PLANNING BENEFIT PROGRAM (FPBP) 200% 1,862 2,522 No Resource Test Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to persons with incomes at or below 200% FPL. Potentially eligible individuals will be screened for eligibility for Medicaid and FHPlus, unless they specifically request to be screened only for FPBP eligibility.
MEDICAID BUY-IN PROGRAM FOR WORKING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (MBI-WPD) 250%FPL 2,328 3,153 20,000 30,000 A/R's with a net income that is at least 150% but at or below 250% FPL will pay a premium. Currently, there is a moratorium on premium payment collection. Otherwise countable retirement accounts are disregarded as resources effective 10/01/11.