GIS 14 MA/027: Medicaid Applications for Individuals Seeking HCBS Waiver Services

To: Local District Commissioners, Medicaid Directors,

From: Judith Arnold, Director
Division of Eligibility and Marketplace Integration

Subject: Medicaid Applications for Individuals Seeking HCBS Waiver Services

Effective Date: Immediately

Contact Person: Local District Support Unit
Upstate (518) 474-8887 NYC (212) 417-4500

The purpose of this General Information System (GIS) message is to advise local departments of social services of a change to the application processing procedures for individuals in need of waiver services.

To simplify the screening procedures used to determine whether an individual's application is to be processed at the district or New York State of Health (NYSoH), effective immediately, all Medicaid applications for individuals in need of waiver services are to be processed by the local district. This change should have minimal impact on local districts as the number of individuals seeking waiver services through NYSOH has been very low.

Individuals who are active on NYSoH who become in need of waiver services, will be referred to the appropriate district manually by the State Department of Health (SDOH). If a district is contacted regarding the need for waiver services for a recipient who has coverage through NYSoH, the district should inform DOH through the mailbox.

Any questions regarding this GIS message should be directed to your local district liaison.