HCRA Compliance Reviews

Provider Milestones and Timelines for Review of Six Years

Timeline Phase Description Reviewee Responsibilities
Day 1 Reviewee Notification, Review Kick-off KPMG LLP (KPMG) sends letter, questionnaire, and data requests to reviewee. The reviewee will have 44 business days to compile data requests, ask questions, and prepare documentation. KPMG will schedule on-site time for the entrance conference.
  • Assign review liaison
  • Assemble electronic data files per "blue prints" provided as part of the questionnaire process
  • Provide supporting documentation on how "Patient Service Revenue" is flagged
  • Assemble requested reconciliations as explained in the questionnaire
  • Assemble supporting documentation for prior period adjustments
  • Coordinate interviews with applicable process owners
Day 11
Day 22
Day 33
Pre-fieldwork Planning KPMG will schedule the kick-off and data pull conference calls. The kick-off conference call is held to describe the process of the review and the data pull conference call details what data fields KPMG is requesting.
  • Participate in the kick-off and data pull conference calls
  • Begin extracting the data after the data pull conference call
Day 40 Questionnaire Submission Reviewee´s completed questionnaire is due to KPMG
  • The reviewee submits a completed electronic version of the questionnaire to KPMG
Day 45 - 70 Entrance Conference/ Data Receipt/ Fieldwork Begins On Day 45, an entrance conference will be held, and at least one years' worth of data is due. The additional years will be due incrementally in each of the following weeks. The last day to submit requested data and documentation to KPMG is Day 70. Fieldwork begins on Day 45, and KPMG will be on site at this time conducting interviews and reviewing documentation.
  • Provide KPMG with data/documentation requested
  • Review supporting documentation, electronic data files as well as the responses to the questionnaire
  • Participate in interview process
  • Provide timely responses to interview questions
  • Review meeting minutes and/or weekly status tracker
Day 45 Data and Information Request Representation Letter Due Letter indicating that all documentation and data provided to this point is complete, accurate, and in accordance with the instructions in KPMG´s questionnaire
  • Using the KPMG-provided letter, please sign and provide to KPMG at the entrance conference.
Day 80 Fieldwork - Resolution of Data Issues KPMG will resolve data follow-up questions and confirm if alternative procedures are required. Testing commences at this point.
  • To the extent alternative procedures are required, the review liaison will provide timely response to the additional data request(s).
  • Respond timely to follow-up questions
Day 125 Testing Results Sent to Reviewee KPMG will send the Preliminary Results Packet to the reviewee for their review and response. KPMG and the reviewee will have a meeting to briefly discuss the preliminary findings and next steps. The reviewee will have 45 business days to formulate and document their response to KPMG's results.
  • Review KPMG test results
  • Prepare supporting evidence for exceptions noted
  • Review weekly status tracker
Day 130 Preliminary Results Meeting DOH, KPMG, and Reviewee will have a meeting to discuss preliminary findings and next steps.
  • Review KPMG test results
  • Prepare supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 135 Preliminary Review of Responses to Test Results On Day 135, a meeting will be held with KPMG, DOH, and the reviewee to discuss sample(s) of supporting evidence prepared by the reviewee to clear KPMG's preliminary results.
  • Provide and explain sample(s) of supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 140 Preliminary Determination of Acceptable Supporting Evidence KPMG and DOH will meet to discuss the sample(s) of supporting evidence. DOH will determine whether the supporting evidence is acceptable.
  • Continue to prepare supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 145 Communicate Preliminary Determination to Reviewee KPMG, DOH, and the reviewee will have a meeting to communicate DOH's preliminary determination of whether sample(s) of supporting evidence provided on Day 135 is acceptable.
  • Continue to prepare supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 155 Preliminary Review of Responses to Test Results On Day 155, a second meeting will be held with KPMG, DOH, and the reviewee to discuss sample(s) of supporting evidence prepared by the reviewee to clear KPMG's preliminary results.
  • Continue to provide and explain sample(s) of supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 160 Preliminary Determination of Acceptable Supporting Evidence KPMG and DOH will meet to discuss the sample(s) of supporting evidence. DOH will determine whether the supporting evidence is acceptable.
  • Continue to prepare supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 165 Communicate Preliminary Determination to Reviewee KPMG, DOH, and the reviewee will engage in a conference call to communicate DOH's preliminary determination of whether sample(s) of supporting evidence provided on Day 155 is acceptable.
  • Continue to prepare supporting evidence for exceptions noted
Day 170 Responses to Test Results are due to KPMG Reviewee responses and supporting documentation are due to KPMG.
  • Submit responses to test results to KPMG project manager
  • Respond to any additional requests or questions regarding the reviewee responses
Day 185 Review of Preliminary Results Response with DOH KPMG will review responses and supporting documentation with DOH during the Review of Preliminary Results Response Meeting. N/A
Day 200 Data Exceptions Conference KPMG, the Reviewee, and DOH will engage in a conference call to discuss final results of testing. The Reviewee will be notified of the outcome of the response review, and will be given next steps. It should be noted the results of testing are final.
  • Participate on the Data Exceptions Conference.
Day 230 DOH Reviews Draft Report KPMG to submit the draft report to DOH. DOH to have 10 business days for report review. N/A
Day 240 KPMG Draft Report Revisions DOH comments on report due to KPMG. N/A
Day 244 DOH Approves Draft Report KPMG to provide revised Draft Report to DOH for final approval prior to delivery to the reviewee. N/A
Day 245 Formal Response to Report KPMG to send draft report to Reviewee for their formal response. The Reviewee to have 15 business days to formally respond to KPMG's report, which will be included as part of the final report.
  • Prepare formal response to the report to be included in the final report
Day 250 Exit Conference KPMG, the Reviewee, and DOH will engage in a conference call to discuss the report.
  • Review the draft report. Prepare any questions related to the report or the review close-out process.
Day 260 KPMG Response to Report Reviewee´s formal response due to KPMG.
  • Submit final responses to the report to KPMG
Day 270 Final Report KPMG to submit final report with reviewee responses attached. N/A