Margaret Shuler, Public Health Nurse, Tioga County Health Department

Margaret Shuler

  • 25 years of service

Margaret Shuler graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing in 1981 and began her career in an acute care setting. In 1983, she came to the Tioga County Health Department where she worked in the certified home health agency doing everything from home visits with families with newborns, to wound care for elderly homebound patients. She began overseeing the well child and immunization (including flu) and respiratory clinics.  In 1994, she transferred to the Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP), and in 2001 returned to primary and prevent. Her responsibilities range from home visits with prenatal clients and newborn families to running well child, adult, respiratory and immunization clinics.  She is the county's vaccine coordinator, trained HIV counselor, child health promotion specialist, Incident Command System (ICS) trained, breast feeding counselor, bereavement counselor and smoking cessation proponent. She assists during disease control outbreaks, participates in all Points of Dispensing exercises (PODs), and performs monthly follow up at the respiratory clinic. She has become Tioga's resident "lice" expert and teaches classes to Department of Social Services (DSS) and local parent groups.

Ms. Shuler has been with public health for so many years, she is now doing postpartum home visits with clients she visited 20 years ago when they were newborns.

Learn more about Public Health Nurses.