Evelyn Nichols, Principal Clerk Typist, Finance-Grants and Clinics, Clinton County Health Department

Evelyn Nichols

  • 30 years of service

Evelyn Nichols joined the Clinton County Health Department's WIC program 30 years ago. After six promotions, she currently works in the Finance Unit as Principal Clerk Typist and oversees the fiscal aspects of grants and clinics for the Department. Evelyn embodies a great work ethic, professionalism and commitment. The face behind the scenes is frequently as important, if not more so, then the public face of service provision. Her support, level headed evaluations, insights, and ability to complete tasks allow the Department to attain its many accomplishments.

Evelyn willingly works outside her comfort level taking on new projects for the betterment of the Department. She hasn't slowed down, and as most people could be complacent at this point, she continuously improves; she is a graduate of the Department's 2009 Leadership Empowerment Class. Evelyn is poised, professional, and works together with people to assure our Department provides excellent services. She is a true public health role model.

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