What Reviewers said about Yates County's CHA

What Reviewer's said about Tioga County's Community Health Assessment (CHA)

"Excellent assessment, great model for other counties. Did a good job in following guidance material and developed a well-structured, information model CHA."

"Tioga County's "Demographic and health status, problem/issue identification and justification" with listing of "Local Priorities" gives a nice picture of Tioga County Health issues. Used state survey data, local survey information, focus groups, clinic records, mortality and morbidity in developing the CHA."

"Good information on dental care. Brought in information from NY-Penn and "Healthier Tioga County" relating to access issues.

"Included EMS, Domestic Violence and Youth Recreation in Section 1D - Local Health Care Environment -- well done."

"Built nicely upon PHPPI's, integrated planning and other collaboration."

"Nice tie-in of unmet needs with previous sections. Unmet need and initiatives also discussed in CHA's Local Health Priorities and Opportunties for Action Sections.

"Nice job in bringing survey/focus group relative to Tioga County issues/problems into priority setting. "Healthy Tioga County-setting priorites" - a well-done initiative." "Nicely written, well-organized document."