Asthma Data

New York State

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Environmental Public Health Tracker

Track Asthma ED Visits and Hospitalizations
View the number and rate of asthma hospitalizations on maps, graphs, and tables.
Information on Asthma in New York State
This surveillance page presents multiple data displays to view asthma rates in New York State. Data displays include: Asthma Control Program Data Dashboard, Asthma Data to Action Reports, Emergency Department Visits by Region and County, Hospital Discharge by Region and County, and Summary Reports.

Data source: Multiple (SPARCS, BRFSS, Vital Records, and other population-based surveillance data systems)
Geographic coverage: NY State, region, county, ZIP code
Comments: Please read the FAQs provided and "Data Sources and Methodology" on the "About This Site" page of the Asthma Dashboard for data limitations.

National and State

Asthma – National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) FastStats
Provides information on asthma in the U.S. from surveys such as the National Asthma Survey and the National Health Interview Survey. Mortality data are also provided.
Prevalence and Trends Data – Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
This CDC web page allows the user to query BRFSS to obtain asthma prevalence by year for participating states.