New York State Department of Health Chronic Hepatitis B Surveillance Summary 2001-2006

Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (cHBV) Registry Data - Excluding Inmates

The data presented in this summary should be interpreted with caution.These data do not represent incidence or prevalence of chronic B hepatitis in New York State, rather the data represent an aggregate of cases reported to the local and state health departments by laboratories and healthcare providers from January 2001-December 2006. New York City data are not included in the NYSDOH chronic hepatitis disease registry. The data are dynamic, and this summary is current as of March 6, 2007.

Table 1: Confirmed cHBV Statewide by Report Year

Report Year Case Count
2001 632
2002 487
2003 1178
2004 1718
2005 871
2006 555
Total 5441

Table 2: Confirmed cHBV Statewide by Age Group and Gender*

Age Group Male Female Total
N % N % N %
< 2 5 0.1 9 0.2 14 0.3
2-5 20 0.4 31 0.6 51 1.0
6-10 32 0.6 22 0.4 54 1.0
11-15 45 0.8 55 1.0 100 1.8
16-20 85 1.6 106 2.0 191 3.5
21-30 312 5.8 623 11.6 935 17.3
31-40 641 11.9 805 14.9 1446 26.8
41-50 867 16.1 458 8.5 1325 24.6
51-60 541 10.0 257 4.8 798 14.8
>60 315 5.8 165 3.1 480 8.9
Total 2863 53.1 2531 46.9 5394 100.0
  • *n missing age or gender = 47

Table 3: Confirmed cHBV Statewide by Race*

Race Case Count
White 31.4
Black 21.1
American Indian/Alaskan .4
Asian/Pacific Islander 43.1
Other 4.0
  • *n missing race n=2073