Hepatitis C
- New York State Hepatitis C Testing Law Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Webinar: Updates on New York State Hepatitis C and Syphilis Screening Requirements, April 24, 2024 (PDF)
- NYS Hepatitis C Elimination
- NY Cures Hep C - Hepatitis C Elimination Campaign
- Test4HepC - NYS Hepatitis C Testing Campaign
- Dear Colleague Letters Updated New York State Hepatitis C Screening Requirements, May 2024
- Dear Colleague Letter: Hepatitis C Testing Recommendations for Perinatally Exposed Infants and Children, August 2024 (PDF)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes liver disease and it is found in the blood of persons who are infected. HCV is spread by contact with the blood of an infected person.
Hepatitis C infects about 25,000 people each year with most developing chronic infection. However, many of those with chronic hepatitis C do not even know they are infected. Those individuals with chronic infection are at risk for developing chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. Individuals who injected drugs are at highest risk for infection even if they injected only once many years ago.
Unlike hepatitis A and hepatitis B there is not a vaccine to prevent hepatitis C. Over the years, the treatments for hepatitis C have become more effective. However, treatment is not for everyone and a specialist should be consulted when determining if someone should get treated.
Information for Providers
- New York State Viral Hepatitis Strategic Plan
- Hepatitis C Guidelines & Recommendations
- NYS HCV Dashboard
- Hepatitis C Telehealth Toolkit (PDF)
- New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Provider Directory
- Hepatitis C Testing
- New York State Hepatitis C Rapid Testing Program Implementation Guide
- Use of Non-Patient Specific Standing Orders for HIV and Hepatitis C Testing
- Hepatitis C Testing Law
- Hepatitis C Rapid Testing Locations
- Hepatitis C Testing Program
- Hepatitis C Reflex Testing
- Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Fact Sheet
- Point of Care HCV RNA (Diagnostic) Testing
- Hepatitis C Care and Treatment
- Hepatitis C Navigation Program (PDF)
- Hepatitis C Cure Day
- Hepatitis C Data & Reports
- Occupation Exposure
- Educational Materials
- Training Opportunities