Mpox Provider Treatments

Are there treatments available?

Antiviral medications exist to treat mpox, which may be appropriate for some people. Vaccines exist that can help reduce the chance and severity of infection in those who have been exposed.

New Yorkers who develop a rash or skin lesions should be sure to:

  • Keep rash areas clean and dry to protect against secondary infections.
  • Be conscious of sun exposure to avoid discoloring exposed lesions.
  • Talk to a healthcare provider about over-the-counter oral antihistamines and topical agents such as calamine lotion, cortisone 10, petroleum jelly, and lidocaine cream or gels.
  • Consider over-the-counter stool softeners to help reduce peri-anal discomfort.

New Yorkers who experience a painful rash or skin lesion should contact a healthcare provider about medication to help with pain management. Prescription medicated mouthwashes and topical gels can provide pain relief and keep rashes and lesions clean, and are widely available.

If you are a healthcare provider, please see NYSDOH’s Provider Information page which includes the latest guidance for clinicians on mpox treatment.

If you have been diagnosed or suspect that you have mpox, contact your healthcare provider to get a referral to one of these mpox provider treatment network sites (outside of NYC) to be evaluated for potential treatment

Mpox Provider Treatment Network

If you have been diagnosed or suspect that you have mpox, contact your healthcare provider to get a referral to one of these mpox provider treatment network sites (outside of NYC) to be evaluated for potential treatment.

Information for Providers