Institutional Cost Reports (ICRs)


In accordance with the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 10, Part 86-1.2, an Institutional Cost Report (ICR) is a uniform report required to be filed by all Article 28 hospitals annually. In addition to Article 28 hospitals, Article 31 Private Psychiatric Hospitals are also required to file the ICR annually.

The ICR includes revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and statistical information of the hospital. A portion of the ICR is based upon the same worksheets as required by the Medicare 2552 report, however, other exhibits were designed specifically for the Department. The report is used to develop Medicaid rates, assist in the formulation of reimbursement methodologies, analyze trends, develop fiscals and pool allocation distributions. It is also used for the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) calculation along with the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments.

General questions related to the ICR can be sent to:

Data Collection and Audit Process

The data filed for the ICR is received electronically by the Department through a secured network. Prior to the 2010 cost report, the ICR was submitted to the Department along with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) report. Beginning with the 2010 cost report, an audit process, managed by the Department, was implemented.

The audit process involves a review of the uncertified report submitted by hospitals by an independent audit firm that was selected by the Department through the Request for Proposal process. The audit firm, using field and desk audit procedures, provides recommendations for cost report revisions. Once the audit has been completed, hospitals will resubmit a cost report that includes the agreed upon audit recommendations. If a hospital disagrees with a recommendation, the audit firm will bring the discussion to the Department for resolution. Once the resubmission of the cost report is received by the Department and reviewed by the audit firm for accuracy of the inclusion of the audit revisions, the report is considered a final audited report to use in rate setting and other analysis and calculations.

Health Data NY

Final Audited ICR data is posted on the Health Data NY website.

  • Select the box for "All Data"
  • Tags for "Cost Reports"

The ICR is a comprehensive compilation of exhibits that have been modified over time. Users should keep this in mind when using the ICR dataset and making year to year comparisons. As the data is not posted until the final audited reports for a particular year are available statewide, the latest year posted on this website is the latest audited year available. To get the details related to the exhibits and data elements for the ICR data, please refer to the attachments with each ICR year posting. 

For data other than the final audited ICR data, please contact the Records Access Office to request data under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Please note that, as the unaudited ICR data submitted to the Department is available through the FOIL process, it is subject to change after the ICR audit is completed. Once available for release, the final audited ICR data will be posted to the Health Data NY website.