NYS Caregiver Guide 2021

NYS CAREGIVER GUIDE AS A CAREGIVER, INFORMATION WILL HELP YOU. EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS The United Hospital Fund A series of videos that teach you about medication management, home safety and more: www.nextstepincare.org/videos. Caregiver Action Network Watch caregivers sharing their own advice and support, along with videos that teach daily tasks such as bathing others: www.caregiveraction.org/resources/videos. Home Alone AllianceSM These “How-To” videos provide instruction to family caregivers on specific medical/nursing tasks. Many are available in both English and Spanish: www.aarp.org/ppi/initiatives /home-alone-alliance/family-caregiving-videos . TRAINING RESOURCES At the end of this guide, you will find a list of agencies that can help. You can also visit www.nyconnects.ny.gov to find caregiver training resources near you. 16