Assisted Living Program (ALP) Dear Administrator Letter

May 23, 2022

Dear Administrator:

On April 22, 2022, the Department issued a letter to Assisted Living Project (ALP) facilities regarding the State's Minimum Wage reconciliation from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2021. The letter including additional information regarding the reconciliation is posted on the Department's Website and can be found here. The values included as part of the April letter were estimates based on the most recent utilization and rate data available. The new values provided as part of this letter are a result of the rate change and actual service utilization experience from submitted claims.

Update: Due to limitations in the eMedNY system and an issue discovered related to the payments and recoupments the updated 2017-2021 ALP Minimum Wage Rates that were anticipated to be active in Cycle 2333, (check release date May 25, 2022) were instead processed across Cycles 2333 and 2334 (check release date May 25, 2022 and June 1, 2022). Additionally, providers currently with an accounts receivable balance with the Department and subject to a recoupment in Cycle 2333 will be receiving paper checks, rather than an electronic funds transfer (EFT), for the remaining portion of payment due which will be mailed on May 25, 2022.

Please note that the Department has also waived interest related to the March 2021 receivables. Provider specific details on the transactions can be found in the included attachments.

If you have any questions regarding the Minimum Wage rate changes, calculations, or other questions regarding ALP facilities, please send an email with the subject line Minimum Wage-Reconciliation 2017-2021 to

If you have any questions regarding your facilities A/R balance, recoupment, and payment options, please send an email with the name of your facility and MMIS# in the subject line to

Michael A. Ogborn
Medicaid Chief Financial Officer
Division of Finance and Rate Setting
Office of Health Insurance Programs

Click on Attachment below to view:

Providers with an increase in 2017 - 2021 ALP rates:

  • Payments resulting from the MW reconciliation rate adjustments are included in the Cycle 2333 and 2334 remittances.
  • For providers that also have an outstanding liability (issued on March 11, 2021), recoupment did not occur until Cycle 2334.
  • As a result, the Cycle 2333 payment has been intercepted and the liability has offset any payments due.
  • Provider specific information is included in Attachment B of this document.

Providers with a decrease in 2017 - 2021 ALP rates:

  • Recoupments were initiated in Cycle 2333 at 15% per week against weekly claims.
  • However, if providers want to eliminate the liability, they may enter into a Medicaid repayment agreement with the Department.
  • To discuss repayment options and establish a repayment agreement contact the AR Recovery unit at
  • This document and current ALP rates are posted at the following location:

Guidance to explain the ALPS Account Receivable Summary spreadsheet (Attachment B)

  • Column C - principal receivable established with ALPS minimum wage (MW) reconciliation
    • The recoupments are largely due to MW being initially provided on a regional basis (if a provider did NOT fill in a survey or identified zero MW need, they still erroneously received funds)
  • Column D - interest from the ALPS MW reconciliation receivable
  • Column E - 1.5% decrease enacted in 2020
    • This has also been pending with the principal and will be handled at a later date
  • Column G - the Department waived the interest identified in column D
  • Column H - Total Receivable after waiving interest
  • Column I-J - Cycle 2333 Actions
    • I - Increase in liability due to activation of rates
    • J - Recoupments taken against the existing liability
  • Column K-L - Cycle 2334 Actions
    • K - Increase in liability due to activation of rates (and system limitations which held a portion of the transactions from Cycle 2333 into Cycle 2334)
    • L - Recoupments taken against the existing liability
  • Column M-N - Cycle 2335 Actions
    • M - 15% Recoupments taken against the liability
    • N - Remaining receivable owed to the State after recoupments of Cycle 2335
  • Accounts Receivable Summary also available in (XLSX) and (PDF) formats.

As of May 23, 2022

A B C D E F = C + D + E G H = F + G I J K L M N = H + I + J + K + L + M
  Cycle 2333 Cycle 2334 Cycle 2335
MMIS ID PROVIDER NAME Principal Interest 1.5% ATB Decrease Total as of 3/30/22 Waive Interest Total w/o Interest Increase in Liability Total Recouped cycle 2333 Increase in Liability Total Recouped cycle 2334 Total Recouped cycle 2335 Balance after Cycle 2335 *
03170174 111 ENSMINGER RD OPERATING COMPANY 11,492.60 522.00 10,981.46 22,996.06 (522.00) 22,474.06 30,824.34 (12,265.54) 19,664.13 0.00 (381.73) 60,315.26
03101493 215 EAST PLEASANT ST LLC ALP 5,560.82 252.45 7,726.10 13,539.37 (252.45) 13,286.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,213.05) (2,169.10) 9,904.77
01681149 229 BENNETT RD OPERATING COMPANY LL 10,041.62 456.30 8,782.30 19,280.22 (456.30) 18,823.92 7,934.22 (7,934.22) 6,169.50 0.00 0.00 24,993.42
03382152 2600 NIAGARA BLVD AL OPERATING LLC 7,132.80 324.00 6,650.84 14,107.64 (324.00) 13,783.64 6,629.00 (4,918.69) 6,594.00 0.00 0.00 22,087.95
01439225 44 BALL STREET OPERATING COMPANY 592.44 391.89 270.98 1,255.31 (244.53) 1,010.78 5,162.08 (3,482.99) 9,563.72 0.00 0.00 12,253.59
03370505 ADIRONDACK MANOR HFA ALP 12,557.64 570.60 6,250.57 19,378.81 (570.60) 18,808.21 18,691.12 (1,059.27) 22,238.44 (836.43) (3,043.10) 54,798.97
04223901 ALICE HYDE ASSISTED LIVING PROGRAM 3,538.26 160.65 6,891.79 10,590.70 (160.65) 10,430.05 15,466.28 (4,963.74) 7,897.28 0.00 0.00 28,829.87
05015307 AMBER COURT AT SUFFOLK COUNTY LLC 195,889.31 8,899.65 80,504.28 285,293.24 (8,899.65) 276,393.59 340,094.28 (15,535.49) 295,267.88 (14,755.10) (15,586.36) 865,878.80
01452079 AMBER COURT OF BROOKLYN ALP 159,667.56 7,254.00 66,634.58 233,556.14 (7,254.00) 226,302.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 (159,667.56) 0.00 66,634.58
02228980 AMBER COURT OF WESTBURY LLC ALP 19,366.05 879.75 81,396.04 101,641.84 (879.75) 100,762.09 88,259.78 (15,111.86) 79,205.75 (16,492.92) (18,969.25) 217,653.59
03259029 ASSISTED LIVING AT JENNINGS HALL 138,547.92 6,294.60 6,609.60 151,452.12 (6,294.60) 145,157.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 145,157.52
02113362 AVALON ASSISTED LIVING AND WELLNESS 21,402.31 972.45 21,790.89 44,165.65 (972.45) 43,193.20 35,236.55 (2,998.80) 21,821.71 (3,379.79) (3,470.69) 90,402.18
03884420 BAPTIST HLTH ENRICHED HOUS PRO ALP 4,318.77 196.20 2,182.93 6,697.90 (196.20) 6,501.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 (546.54) 0.00 5,955.16
04912552 BETHANY RETIREMENT HOME INC 29,316.15 1,332.00 13,402.49 44,050.64 (1,332.00) 42,718.64 62,112.34 (6,207.80) 48,854.54 0.00 (6,061.61) 141,416.11
01441854 BRIARWOOD MANOR INC ALP 27,681.23 1,257.75 25,207.76 54,146.74 (1,257.75) 52,888.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,698.86) 0.00 48,190.13
01903162 BRONXWOOD 817,497.49 39,989.65 7,019.73 864,506.87 (39,989.65) 824,517.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 (12,793.77) (14,855.29) 796,868.16
01891469 BROOKDALE HOSP MED CTR ALP 121,434.87 5,517.00 2,840.80 129,792.67 (5,517.00) 124,275.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124,275.67
04750607 BROOKLYN BOULEVARD ALP LLC 293,115.55 13,316.85 94,212.01 400,644.41 (13,316.85) 387,327.56 0.00 (3,037.29) 0.00 (21,294.90) (19,056.19) 343,939.18
02671176 CASTLE SENIOR LIVING FOREST HILLS 408,812.28 18,573.30 58,186.86 485,572.44 (18,573.30) 466,999.14 0.00 (2,239.56) 0.00 (12,162.87) (16,544.36) 436,052.35
03065249 CEDARBROOK VILLAGE INCORPORATED ALP 18,134.56 823.95 5,248.11 24,206.62 (823.95) 23,382.67 40,951.74 (761.54) 24,143.19 (4,064.56) 0.00 83,651.50
01445252 CHURCHILL MANOR INC ALP 5,106.47 232.20 3,676.06 9,014.73 (232.20) 8,782.53 6,911.49 (692.63) 3,533.36 (897.58) (1,356.16) 16,281.01
03547748 CLOVER LAKE MANAGEMENT LLC 45,418.10 2,063.25 43,497.13 90,978.48 (2,063.25) 88,915.23 45,406.83 (6,716.58) 51,010.54 (8,061.58) (7,920.74) 162,633.70
04798972 COBBS HILL MANOR INC ALP 34,750.36 1,578.60 15,054.13 51,383.09 (1,578.60) 49,804.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,345.46) (3,144.44) 43,314.59
03281849 CRESTVIEW MANOR ALP 44,510.91 2,022.30 18,323.14 64,856.35 (2,022.30) 62,834.05 0.00 (11,468.62) 0.00 (8,794.87) (2,984.57) 39,585.99
01437278 DANFORTH ADULT CARE CTR ALP 23,521.31 1,068.75 7,685.25 32,275.31 (1,068.75) 31,206.56 0.00 (4,677.93) 0.00 (7,817.88) (3,247.21) 15,463.54
02253001 DEPAUL ADULT CARE COMMUNITIES 211,879.92 9,626.40 13,860.87 235,367.19 (9,626.40) 225,740.79 120,800.45 (7,115.52) 71,519.75 (9,427.40) (716.57) 400,801.50
01439234 DUTCHESS CARE ALP 22,001.34 999.45 25,182.16 48,182.95 (999.45) 47,183.50 40,582.21 (4,134.79) 33,493.20 (4,095.74) (4,194.24) 108,834.14
02582025 EGER HARBOR HOUSE ALP 447,486.55 39,113.79 44,700.00 531,300.34 (39,113.79) 492,186.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 (9,384.25) (9,008.74) 473,793.56
01877921 Elderwood Assisted Living @ Hamburg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,685.29 (6,254.90) 20,645.28 0.00 0.00 40,075.67
02382034 Elderwood Assisted Living @ West Seneca 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,291.56 (3,585.50) 23,616.81 (443.92) 0.00 47,878.95
03350630 Elderwood Assisted Living at Heathwood 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,092.36 (2,545.50) 12,270.60 0.00 0.00 28,817.46
04961648 ELENER ASSOCIATES LLC 446,956.14 20,306.25 89,498.47 556,760.86 (20,306.25) 536,454.61 0.00 (74,699.42) 0.00 (356,349.09) (15,907.63) 89,498.47
01448273 ELM YORK ALP 284,807.04 12,939.75 103,228.07 400,974.86 (12,939.75) 388,035.11 0.00 (44,027.92) 0.00 (221,276.00) (19,503.12) 103,228.07
04338354 EVERGREEN COURT HOME FOR ADULTS SP 39,261.17 1,783.80 254.75 41,299.72 (1,783.80) 39,515.92 23,305.56 0.00 20,470.52 0.00 0.00 83,292.00
03196710 FAIRPORT BAPTIST HOMES ADULT CARE FACILITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,179.06 0.00 0.00 4,179.06
01817936 FAMILY SVC OF ROCHESTEREHP 2 JCP 5,206.00 236.70 4,987.18 10,429.88 (236.70) 10,193.18 1,632.36 (1,632.36) 928.62 0.00 0.00 11,121.80
04650437 FREWSBURG REST HOME INC 15,367.22 697.95 14,791.29 30,856.46 (697.95) 30,158.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 (12,743.69) (2,623.53) 14,791.29
02085803 GALR OPERATING LLC 8,677.46 394.20 12,065.03 21,136.69 (394.20) 20,742.49 14,539.80 0.00 18,607.18 (3,749.55) (2,024.23) 48,115.69
04770687 GARDEN OF EDEN HOME ALP LLC 896,468.63 40,729.05 66,039.84 1,003,237.52 (40,729.05) 962,508.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 (12,561.50) (12,777.05) 937,169.92
04393477 GEFEN ACF LLC 531,041.50 24,126.75 81,483.75 636,652.00 (24,126.75) 612,525.25 0.00 (165,608.85) 0.00 (160,648.14) (17,058.35) 269,209.91
03037661 GOOD SHEPHERD FAIRVIEW HOME ALP 38,906.80 1,722.60 6,259.66 46,889.06 (1,722.60) 45,166.46 82,457.22 0.00 66,218.75 0.00 0.00 193,842.43
04197224 HAMLET AT WALLKILL LLC 63,294.67 2,875.50 29,321.98 95,492.15 (2,875.50) 92,616.65 115,465.24 (4,356.12) 81,552.35 (6,094.02) (6,141.21) 273,042.89
01443489 HARBOR TERRACE ADULT HM & ASSIST LV 663,305.12 34,051.84 9,623.69 706,980.65 (34,051.84) 672,928.81 0.00 (304,660.57) 0.00 (236,545.33) (18,221.38) 113,501.53
03225587 HEATHWOOD ASSISTED LIVING AT PENFIE 2,113.62 95.85 7,912.00 10,121.47 (95.85) 10,025.62 29,092.68 (4,917.29) 36,811.06 0.00 0.00 71,012.07
03586858 HEBREW HOME FOR THE AGED AT RIVERDA 116,041.76 5,272.20 12,942.38 134,256.34 (5,272.20) 128,984.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,949.22) (2,167.70) 124,867.22
03186110 HEDGEWOOD HOME FOR ADULTS ALP 35,142.86 1,596.60 52,482.92 89,222.38 (1,596.60) 87,625.78 98,552.14 (9,654.15) 66,731.95 (13,005.52) (11,451.06) 218,799.14
03817094 HEMPSTEAD ALP LLC 152,379.15 6,922.80 104,930.90 264,232.85 (6,922.80) 257,310.05 148,366.20 (19,629.97) 149,440.61 (20,606.48) (18,351.72) 496,528.69
03572552 HERITAGE RANSOMVILLE MANAGEMENT LLC 18,458.53 838.80 29,269.65 48,566.98 (838.80) 47,728.18 44,354.91 0.00 35,624.34 (11,283.52) 0.00 116,423.91
01434555 HILLCREST SPRING RES AC ALP 17,050.28 774.45 12,113.79 29,938.52 (774.45) 29,164.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,873.81) (2,635.64) 23,654.62
01441809 HILLTOP MANOR WEST 8,589.85 786.13 376.19 9,752.17 (651.49) 9,100.68 19,627.39 (4,302.67) 22,033.71 0.00 0.00 46,459.11
01614539 HILTON EAST ASSISTED LIVING 128,840.90 5,853.60 26,280.63 160,975.13 (5,853.60) 155,121.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,595.34) (4,287.96) 147,238.23
02798227 HULTQUIST PLACE 6,786.19 308.25 12,202.44 19,296.88 (308.25) 18,988.63 17,113.78 (5,257.28) 22,970.35 (2,833.59) (2,511.03) 48,470.86
04675756 HYDE PARK ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY 58,424.08 2,654.55 26,761.28 87,839.91 (2,654.55) 85,185.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,203.99) (5,232.27) 74,749.10
04338327 ICC MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING INC 6,017.44 273.60 10,469.69 16,760.73 (273.60) 16,487.13 10,644.94 (1,852.65) 8,585.58 (1,553.46) (1,679.15) 30,632.39
01945399 IDEAL SENIOR LIVIN CENTER ALP 24,244.73 1,101.60 5,827.61 31,173.94 (1,101.60) 30,072.34 35,051.39 (4,835.52) 22,556.91 (866.41) 0.00 81,978.71
03831849 JEWISH HOME LIFECARE UNIVERSITY AVE 303,967.40 13,810.05 28,212.07 345,989.52 (13,810.05) 332,179.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 (8,069.99) (5,521.98) 318,587.50
04407618 KENWELL GARDENS LLC 3,183.60 180.92 0.00 3,364.52 (145.21) 3,219.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,219.31
04985815 KINGS ADULT CARE CENTER LLC ALP 560,320.28 25,456.95 65,259.80 651,037.03 (25,456.95) 625,580.08 0.00 (211,607.98) 0.00 (330,840.97) (17,871.33) 65,259.80
03248400 LAKESIDE MANOR HOME FOR ADULTS INC 870,854.42 39,565.35 54,101.54 964,521.31 (39,565.35) 924,955.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 (11,392.48) (12,831.51) 900,731.97
04472060 LEROY MANOR ALP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,136.12 (7,443.42) 12,131.28 0.00 (8,188.80) 19,635.18
01452359 LONG ISLAND LIVING CENTER 298,386.30 13,556.70 44,968.57 356,911.57 (13,556.70) 343,354.87 0.00 (150,350.61) 0.00 (121,950.90) (13,140.14) 57,913.22
01445192 LORETTO ADULT COMMUNITY INC. 17,351.51 788.40 30,760.18 48,900.09 (788.40) 48,111.69 36,871.25 (4,916.37) 30,015.15 (5,211.57) (5,211.57) 99,658.58
01445330 LORETTO ADULT COMMUNITY INC 11,890.12 540.00 17,750.07 30,180.19 (540.00) 29,640.19 23,152.68 (4,628.27) 15,815.05 (3,119.23) (3,237.67) 57,622.75
02073976 LOTT ASSISTED LIVING OPERATING CORP 320,065.26 65,341.98 58,769.60 444,176.84 (65,341.98) 378,834.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 (320,065.26) 0.00 58,769.60
02780610 MADISON YORK ASSISTED LVG CM 607,440.44 27,597.60 94,684.25 729,722.29 (27,597.60) 702,124.69 0.00 (169,885.04) 0.00 (179,585.67) (18,530.35) 334,123.63
01448264 MADISON YORK REGO PARK LLC 852,322.54 38,723.40 73,285.51 964,331.45 (38,723.40) 925,608.05 0.00 (332,882.69) 0.00 (306,176.29) (15,704.76) 270,844.31
03182914 MAPLEWOOD ASSISTED LIVING ALP 3,854.65 578.67 832.71 5,266.03 (578.67) 4,687.36 15,356.22 (5,809.71) 13,578.60 0.00 0.00 27,812.47
02071061 Marchand Manor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,817.49 (1,817.49) 163.22 (59.48) (103.74) 0.00
03563040 MEADOWBROOK TERRACE INC ALP 12,043.04 547.20 9,335.77 21,926.01 (547.20) 21,378.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,002.82) (1,552.18) 17,823.81
03369835 MEMORY GARDEN AT TANGLEWOOD INC 5,161.12 234.45 10,870.49 16,266.06 (234.45) 16,031.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,390.50) (1,720.86) 12,920.25
01441712 MENORAH CAMPUS ADULT HOME INC 3,333.79 151.65 7,580.38 11,065.82 (151.65) 10,914.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,333.79) 0.00 7,580.38
01955357 MERMAID MANOR HOME FOR ADULTS ALP 458,164.00 20,815.65 72,053.24 551,032.89 (20,815.65) 530,217.24 0.00 (111,985.32) 0.00 (101,131.54) (15,069.03) 302,031.35
03356645 MOFFAT GARDENS ALP INC 181,628.93 8,252.10 12,857.74 202,738.77 (8,252.10) 194,486.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 (14.09) 0.00 194,472.58
03879792 MORNINGSIDE ACQUISITION III ALP 227,418.10 10,332.00 8,795.69 246,545.79 (10,332.00) 236,213.79 133,299.20 (4,871.11) 121,970.80 (9,809.19) (2,680.63) 474,122.86
04245841 MOUNT VIEW ASSISTED LIVING INC 26,816.58 1,218.15 27,973.26 56,007.99 (1,218.15) 54,789.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,166.82) (6,999.44) 43,623.58
01687269 MT ALVERNO CENTER ALP 42,159.64 1,915.65 4,855.44 48,930.73 (1,915.65) 47,015.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,015.08
02277278 NEW FORDHAM ARMS ASSISTED LIVING 201,719.10 9,164.70 9,134.48 220,018.28 (9,164.70) 210,853.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,632.53) (1,693.15) 207,527.90
03757384 NEWCO ALP INC 337,476.24 21,555.57 113,139.53 472,171.34 (21,555.57) 450,615.77 0.00 (8,228.14) 0.00 (28,427.40) (23,100.73) 390,859.50
02132525 NORTHBROOK HEIGHTS ALP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,404.62 (6,206.61) 29,224.28 0.00 (3,771.15) 48,651.14
02473825 NORWEGIAN CHRISTIAN HHCC ALP 251,289.18 11,416.95 29,057.09 291,763.22 (11,416.95) 280,346.27 0.00 (1,948.56) 0.00 (7,197.17) (4,835.86) 266,364.68
01453016 NY SENIOR CARE IN THE VALLEY LLC 69,521.38 3,158.55 19,301.66 91,981.59 (3,158.55) 88,823.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,347.41) (4,382.60) 82,093.03
03832208 OCEANVIEW MANOR HOME FOR ADULTS INC 248,646.44 11,296.80 71,294.44 331,237.68 (11,296.80) 319,940.88 0.00 (18,928.98) 0.00 (214,617.79) (15,099.67) 71,294.44
04634988 PARK TERRACE OPERATING LLC 1,483.69 67.50 0.00 1,551.19 (67.50) 1,483.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,483.69
02066773 PINEVIEW COMMONS HOME FOR ADULTS 14,944.78 1,188.36 1,078.66 17,211.80 (1,188.36) 16,023.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,393.50) (2,707.23) 9,922.71
01445312 PRESBYTERIAN RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY 33,828.59 1,532.70 14,326.83 49,688.12 (1,532.70) 48,155.42 57,943.36 (10,414.94) 64,551.60 0.00 0.00 160,235.44
05373097 PROMENADE ALBANY LLC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,762.46 (3,762.46) 5,390.84 0.00 (74.10) 5,316.74
03424788 PROMENADE AT CHESTNUT RIDGE 9,999.67 454.50 13,028.54 23,482.71 (454.50) 23,028.21 3,032.04 (2,447.78) 2,365.34 (2,903.76) (811.91) 22,262.14
03747000 PROMENADE MIDDLETOWN LLC 86,739.88 3,940.65 27,081.26 117,761.79 (3,940.65) 113,821.14 67,805.30 (5,135.11) 56,962.05 (3,019.94) (5,507.80) 224,925.64
04967066 PROMENADE TUXEDO LLC ALP 671.37 30.60 5,673.55 6,375.52 (30.60) 6,344.92 5,801.24 0.00 16,261.46 (2,710.93) 0.00 25,696.69
03267925 QUEENS ADULT CARE CENTER 771,586.35 35,055.45 98,130.72 904,772.52 (35,055.45) 869,717.07 0.00 (290,577.24) 0.00 (460,438.30) (20,570.81) 98,130.72
02632451 QUEENS BOULEVARD ALP LLC 301,175.39 17,567.32 9,831.47 328,574.18 (17,567.32) 311,006.86 5,997.96 (5,997.96) 4,416.28 (21,308.13) (18,720.49) 275,394.52
03435458 ROBINSON TERRACE SENIOR LIVING 19,228.74 1,276.93 529.79 21,035.46 (1,276.93) 19,758.53 0.00 (6,430.39) 0.00 (3,624.16) (179.12) 9,524.86
01439207 ROBYNWOOD ALP LLC 45,919.01 2,086.20 12,825.03 60,830.24 (2,086.20) 58,744.04 97,901.44 (1,914.53) 45,053.26 (1,010.81) (2,974.94) 195,798.46
03139035 SACHEM ADULT HOME AND ALP LLC 3,209.26 145.80 7,261.41 10,616.47 (145.80) 10,470.67 10,151.01 (1,650.80) 4,816.86 (2,924.05) (1,837.33) 19,026.36
03572832 SAMARITAN SENIOR VILLAGE INC 37,905.84 1,722.15 19,698.81 59,326.80 (1,722.15) 57,604.65 52,027.51 (300.72) 39,734.94 0.00 (17,816.71) 131,249.67
03143097 SCOTIA MANSION HOME FOR ADULTS ALP 5,227.77 237.60 673.43 6,138.80 (237.60) 5,901.20 1,017.28 (275.32) 1,208.02 (182.32) (275.32) 7,393.54
04480686 SEAVIEW MANOR LLC 369,812.34 16,801.65 45,862.75 432,476.74 (16,801.65) 415,675.09 0.00 (83,720.63) 0.00 (86,653.54) (9,194.16) 236,106.76
01728550 SEDGWICK HEIGHTS ALP 18,725.51 850.95 21,153.85 40,730.31 (850.95) 39,879.36 16,439.99 (3,836.47) 13,456.99 (5,791.22) (5,314.40) 54,834.25
04535920 SENECA LAKE TERRACE OPERATING LLC 1,045.68 0.00 0.00 1,045.68 0.00 1,045.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,045.68
04194749 SHIRE SENIOR LIVING LLC 15,498.36 704.25 12,681.57 28,884.18 (704.25) 28,179.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 (14,989.60) (508.76) 12,681.57
03139026 SOUTH BAY ADULT HOME AND ALP LLC 7,044.52 319.95 9,417.18 16,781.65 (319.95) 16,461.70 10,881.92 (1,724.52) 8,294.72 (2,292.20) (1,955.13) 29,666.49
03826473 ST FRANCIS COMMONS INC 30,167.14 1,370.70 14,282.55 45,820.39 (1,370.70) 44,449.69 67,124.05 (274.91) 68,596.30 (289.17) (4,852.14) 174,753.82
01908745 ST LOUISE MANOR 5,509.13 386.46 232.22 6,127.81 (386.46) 5,741.35 10,929.27 (2,470.95) 4,543.39 0.00 0.00 18,743.06
03547651 ST VINCENT DE PAUL RESIDENCE ASSIST 248,815.21 11,304.45 16,844.07 276,963.73 (11,304.45) 265,659.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,294.96) (7,242.13) 255,122.19
03412695 SURFSIDE MANOR HOME FOR ADULTS 475,509.27 21,603.60 82,800.42 579,913.29 (21,603.60) 558,309.69 0.00 (225,741.06) 0.00 (206,450.24) (15,958.57) 110,159.82
01879583 TANGLEWOOD MANOR ALP 39,057.96 1,774.35 17,408.23 58,240.54 (1,774.35) 56,466.19 0.00 (13,339.30) 0.00 (22,665.01) (3,053.65) 17,408.23
04337913 THE ELIOT AT CATSKILL LLC 17,876.78 812.25 16,122.73 34,811.76 (812.25) 33,999.51 0.00 (3,439.88) 0.00 (5,207.63) (3,337.82) 22,014.18
04344712 THE ELIOT AT TROY LLC 2,247.97 102.15 27,863.99 30,214.11 (102.15) 30,111.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,247.97) 0.00 27,863.99
03334521 THE ELIOT MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC 62,117.11 2,821.95 32,605.96 97,545.02 (2,821.95) 94,723.07 0.00 (21,435.40) 0.00 (25,709.19) (8,043.98) 39,534.50
04338107 THE GARDENS BY MORNINGSTAR LLC 135,070.63 6,136.65 22,710.29 163,917.57 (6,136.65) 157,780.92 0.00 (39,667.77) 0.00 (35,133.77) (6,802.17) 76,177.21
03247610 THE GLEN AT MAPLE POINTE ALP 200,260.63 9,098.55 16,572.22 225,931.40 (9,098.55) 216,832.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (12,094.11) 204,738.74
02933324 THE MEDFORD HAMLET ASSISTED LIVING 108,203.12 4,915.80 80,399.02 193,517.94 (4,915.80) 188,602.14 74,901.12 (15,323.17) 77,492.80 (15,659.77) (15,908.52) 294,104.60
03008353 THE NEW FALLS ALP 63,281.99 2,875.05 23,565.25 89,722.29 (2,875.05) 86,847.24 105,443.13 (6,143.78) 79,545.60 (2,590.10) (10,644.72) 252,457.37
04338125 THE NEW GOLDEN ACRES SP LLC 34,307.79 1,558.80 25,974.17 61,840.76 (1,558.80) 60,281.96 6,621.20 (5,166.87) 5,886.84 (7,979.10) (5,124.10) 54,519.93
04338198 THE NEW VILLAGE VIEW SP LLC 31,017.35 1,405.35 3,376.35 35,799.05 (1,405.35) 34,393.70 16,811.82 0.00 14,837.89 0.00 0.00 66,043.41
04173020 THE PALM BEACH HOME FOR ADULTS 126,998.12 9,450.77 3,695.34 140,144.23 (8,052.52) 132,091.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,479.88) (5,737.61) 121,874.22
04345800 THE PAVILION AT VESTAL LLC 14,656.68 666.00 9,027.65 24,350.33 (666.00) 23,684.33 19,545.33 (1,669.04) 19,329.60 (1,247.45) (1,837.00) 57,805.77
04880920 THE SENTINEL AT AMSTERDAM LLC 26,320.35 1,195.65 38,361.76 65,877.76 (1,195.65) 64,682.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,401.31) (6,048.78) 51,232.02
03163040 THE TERRACE AT NEWARK ALP 8,754.77 397.80 3,748.92 12,901.49 (397.80) 12,503.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,216.26) (824.79) 10,462.64
03114312 THE TERRACE AT WOODLAND ALP 11,690.51 531.00 3,271.80 15,493.31 (531.00) 14,962.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,035.62) (587.61) 13,339.08
03170165 THE W GROUP AT CATSKILL LLC 3,781.67 171.90 4,552.65 8,506.22 (171.90) 8,334.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 (545.00) (878.93) 6,910.39
01432911 THE W GROUP AT HUDSON LLC 6,028.65 274.05 5,322.20 11,624.90 (274.05) 11,350.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 (731.72) (1,033.86) 9,585.27
02375253 THE W GROUP AT NEW BROADVIEW LLC 185,978.78 10,345.85 4,794.15 201,118.78 (10,345.85) 190,772.93 0.00 (70,841.95) 0.00 (106,020.20) (9,116.63) 4,794.15
04570738 TPPV LLC 45,229.44 2,054.70 21,033.98 68,318.12 (2,054.70) 66,263.42 50,226.94 (3,068.96) 29,560.86 (3,789.63) (4,408.94) 134,783.69
02066571 TROY CROSSINGS LLC 42,117.54 1,913.40 22,880.65 66,911.59 (1,913.40) 64,998.19 35,673.58 (8,686.08) 23,719.05 (10,186.46) (29.80) 105,488.48
01589353 UTICA AH OPERATIONS ASSOCIATES LLC 15,333.72 696.60 15,855.08 31,885.40 (696.60) 31,188.80 0.00 (5,313.56) 0.00 (4,241.56) (5,778.60) 15,855.08
03272699 VALEHAVEN HOME FOR ADULTS 12,949.02 588.15 7,441.19 20,978.36 (588.15) 20,390.21 38,730.29 (976.97) 22,896.74 (968.39) (951.22) 79,120.66
04196383 VALLEY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES INC 16,877.88 1,094.35 728.94 18,701.17 (1,094.35) 17,606.82 36,035.81 (1,454.99) 29,075.72 (844.05) (1,650.06) 78,769.25
01452042 VASSAR WARNER HOME ALP 3,517.53 159.75 3,738.10 7,415.38 (159.75) 7,255.63 37,339.48 0.00 5,071.51 (3,103.50) 0.00 46,563.12
03110863 VILLAGECARE AT 46 AND TEN 467,409.29 21,235.50 35,540.04 524,184.83 (21,235.50) 502,949.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,795.34) (7,409.94) 487,744.05
05215545 WASHINGTON AH OPERATIONS ASSOCIATES 7,163.46 325.35 7,527.00 15,015.81 (325.35) 14,690.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,163.46) 0.00 7,527.00
03397459 WESTCHESTER CTR INDEPENDENT ASSIST 123,993.41 5,633.55 67,431.78 197,058.74 (5,633.55) 191,425.19 132,219.00 (9,823.72) 96,709.26 (14,673.02) (16,105.08) 379,751.63
03143088 WILLOW PARK HOME FOR ADULTS ALP 33,566.56 1,525.05 14,595.09 49,686.70 (1,525.05) 48,161.65 52,626.22 (2,813.56) 41,944.54 (2,452.90) (2,813.56) 134,652.39
03421478 WOMENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 10,040.31 456.30 3,569.35 14,065.96 (456.30) 13,609.66 20,901.53 (1,202.72) 16,800.44 0.00 0.00 50,108.91
02362614 WOODHAVEN HOME ADULTS ALP 140,596.13 6,387.75 71,257.97 218,241.85 (6,387.75) 211,854.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 (12,427.14) (15,858.65) 183,568.31
02369744 YALR OPERATING LLC ALP 3,568.78 162.00 4,438.94 8,169.72 (162.00) 8,007.72 26,210.89 0.00 29,603.05 (687.41) (805.34) 62,328.91
*Balance does not include any liabilities due to the Office of Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG)