Guidelines for Review of CON Program Narrative - Adult Day Health Care Programs

Adult day health care programs must be in compliance with Title 10, NYCRR Parts 425, 711.5, and 713-2.13.

The written narrative of the proposed program should minimally address the following:


  1. Location of the program.
  2. Days and hours the program will operate.
  3. Program capacity *
  4. Philosophy and objective of program
  5. Registrant profile – characteristics of the registrant population to be served; include specialty population, if any.
  6. Registrant needs – based upon the proposed registrant population.
  7. Programs and services to meet those needs.
    1. Must address all services required by regulation (e.g. nursing, food and nutrition, rehabilitation, leisure time activities, etc) and for each
      • Goals and objectives of program/service
      • Function and activities involved
      • Relationships between services
      • Resources needed, e.g. staffing, special equipment.
  8. For facility based programs, provide a description of the services to be shared between the nursing home and the adult day health care program. Explain how the nursing home will be able to provide theses services without adversely affecting the provision of services to its resident population.
  9. For off-site programs, explain how services will be provided on the off-site campus.

B. Organization And Administration

  1. Admission and discharge criteria and policies.
  2. Use of Registrant Review Instrument (DOH Form 2667).
  3. Registrant care plan.
  4. Registrant review and evaluation.
  5. Affiliation agreements.
  6. Interface with community based organizations.
  7. Program evaluation.
  8. Job descriptions of personnel involved in the program and their qualifications.

C. Physical Environment

All applicants will be required to submit an architectural plan and narrative which identifies the proposed adult day health care program area in conformance with 10 NYCRR 711.5 and 713-2.13, and which

  1. demonstrate that the program will be located in a self contained contiguous space (except for shared therapy areas in on-site programs);
  2. demonstrate how the adult day health care program space relates to the facility (for on-site programs);
  3. demonstrate that there will be adequate activity and dining areas toaccommodate the proposed registrant population.
  4. Identifies all occupants of the building, if any (for off-site location).

Treatment areas and/or other spaces which support the facility's resident population shall not be located within designated adult day health care program space.

* Program capacity means the number of registrants that a program can accommodate at one time based on factors such as availability of staff, furniture and equipment, and the number and size of the rooms used for the program.

Bureau of Licensure & Certification – 08/25/99