Single Source Procurement: Community-Based HIV Primary Care and Prevention Services

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law § 163.10(b), The New York State Department of Health is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances, and material and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible.

The overall goal of this initiative is to improve early identification and diagnosis of HIV infection by establishing routine HIV testing in general primary care settings and to facilitate prompt linkage into care and treatment for persons newly identified as HIV positive or individuals re-engaged in care. In addition, the Primary Care program supports improved medical outcomes among people living with HIV disease through increased availability of integrated quality HIV prevention and primary care services that recognize HIV as a life-long chronic disease.

Specifically, this initiative will: increase retention in care; improve adherence to treatment; foster patient self-management; integrate harm reduction approaches in HIV primary care; establish comprehensive and evidence-based prevention with positives interventions that address risk factors for HIV transmission and for other chronic diseases; provide quality treatment, as evidenced by improved medical outcomes such as undetectable viral load, increases in CD4 cell count, and establish solid linkages and referrals to a full range of supportive services including substance use treatment, mental health, and community case management.

Contractors were awarded contract(s) as a result of the competitive procurement process. This is a 4 month extension of the contract(s) under the same terms, conditions, and pricing authorized under the existing contract(s). The single source extension period will allow for the continuation of critical services pending outcome of a new competitive procurement to obtain these services.

Procurement / Program Name Community-Based HIV Primary Care and Prevention Services
Contractor Name(s) Multiple – Please see attached.
Contract Period 6/1/2015 – 9/30/2015
Contract Number(s) C026240 – C026252