HCS Provider Types

Each PPS will need to establish HCS Accounts and communicate with the Department to ensure that the accounts are given proper access to the Network Tool and the following Project Plan Application. The various HCS user types are described in relation to DSRIP below:

  • Director: This is the person (preferably a CEO or CFO) who can bind the organization with NYSDOH. This person by default is also a Coordinator, Security Coordinator and User.
  • HPN Coordinator: This is the person who manages new and existing Commerce accounts. This person by default is also a User.
  • HCS User: This person has been granted access to the HCS by the Coordinator. Once the user is set up in HCS, the Department can grant access to MAPP. HCS users will be responsible for completing the DSRIP Network Tool and Project Plan application, and should be well informed about their PPS and the DSRIP Program.