PPS Provider Appeals - DY1 Q3

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PPS Provider Name: Advocate Community Providers PPS (ACP) Appeal 1 of 1

Provider unsuccessfully appealed the Independent Assessor´s findings relative to Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Milestone 1.

Independent Assessor initially failed Advocate Community Providers PPS on Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Milestone 1 which required the PPS to finalize a cultural competency/ health literacy strategy, signed off by the PPS Board. The PPS submitted its strategy document but failed to provide evidence that the document was approved by the PPS board (or governing body) before the end of the quarter´s reporting period.

Upon appeal, the PPS explained in a narrative that the Cultural Competency and Health Literacy strategy was ready for board approval in December 2015, but that it wasn´t approved until January 2016. However, the PPS failed to submit supporting documentation necessary to evidence that the PPS board approved the strategy document.