Frequently Asked Questions for the Private Duty Nursing Directory

The Private Duty Nursing Medically Fragile Children and Adult Directory´s purpose is to promote the availability and ensure delivery of fee-for-service private duty nursing services to medically fragile children and adults.

Fee-for-service (FFS) private duty nurses. Both independent nurses and nursing agencies.

The PDN Medically Fragile Children´s program transitions to the Medically Fragile Children and Adult Program effective April 1, 2022. Provider enrollment applications are now being accepted.

Qualified providers enrolling in the directory shall ensure the availability and delivery of such services to individuals in need of private duty nursing services.

The directory will be located on the DOH website and on the HealthDataNY site here.

Those seeking FFS private duty nursing services for medically fragile children and adults.

– The enrollment application will be available on eMedNY with the other Private Duty Nurse Medicaid enrollment applications. The application form will contain both the Medically Fragile Children and Adult Training and Experience and the Medically Fragile Children and Adult Directory components of the program.

Effective 4/1/22, the Directory enhancement is 45% and will be applied at the time of claims processing to the appropriate base fee based on region and licensure. Providers also enrolled in the Medically Fragile Children and Adult Training and Experience program will have the Directory fee enhancement applied after the application of (in addition to) the Medically Fragile Children and Adult Training and Experience fee adjustment.

The fee schedule is available here.

Yes. The 30% training and experience fee enhancement is available to enrolled providers in the Medically Fragile Children and Adult Training and Experience component of the program.

Yes, additional information will be available on eMedNY and the NYS Department of Health website. Please subscribe to the eMedNY Private Duty Nursing LISTSERV

For provider enrollment questions contact the eMedNY Call Center at 800-343-9000. For FFS prior approval questions contact the OHIP Call Center at 800-342-3005.