Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse - Goals and Objectives

Goal Objectives
Goal 1: Promote mental, emotional and behavioral (MEB) well-being in communities
  • Objective 1.1.1: Increase the use of evidence-informed policies and evidence-based programs that are grounded on healthy development of children, youth and adults.
Goal 2.1: Prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription pain relievers drugs by youth, and excessive alcohol consumption by adults
  • Objective 2.1.1: December 31, 2018 a, reduce the percentage of youth in grades 9-12 reporting the use of alcohol on at least one day for the past 30 days to no more than 34.6%. (Baseline: 38.4 per 100, 2011 YRBS) - Tracking Indicator
  • Objective 2.1.2: December 31, 2018, reduce the percentage of youth ages 12-17 years reporting the use of non-medical use of painkillers. (Baseline: 5.26% 2009-2010, NSDUH, Target: 4.73%) - Tracking Indicator
  • Objective 2.1.3: December 31, 2018, reduce the percentage of adult (age 18 and older) binge drinking (5 drinks or more for men during one occasion, and 4 or more drinks for women during one occasion) during the past month to no more than 18.4%. (Baseline: 20.4 percent, 2011 BRFSS) - Tracking Indicator
Goal 2.2: Prevent and reduce occurrence of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders among youth and adults.
  • Objective 2.2.1: December 31, 2018, reduce the percentage of adult New Yorkers reporting 14 or more days with poor mental health in the last month by 10% to no more than 10.1%. (Baseline: 11.1%, 2011 BRFSS) - Tracking Indicator
  • Objective 2.2.2: December 31, 2018, reduce the number of youth grades 9-12 who felt sad or hopeless by 10% to no more than 22.4%. (Baseline: 24.9 %, 2011 YRBS) - Tracking Indicator
Goal 2.3: Prevent suicides among youth and adults.
  • Objective 2.3.1: December 31, 2018, reduce suicide attempts by New York adolescents (youth grades 9 to 12) who attempted suicide one or more times in the past year by 10% to no more than 6.4%. (Baseline: 7.1 suicide attempts per 100, 2011 YRBS) - Tracking Indicator
  • Objective 2.3.2: December 31, 2018, reduce the age-adjusted suicide mortality rate by 10% to 5.9 per 100,000. (Baseline: 6.6 per 100,000, Bureau of Biometrics 2007-2009) - Tracking Indicator
Goal 2.4: Reduce tobacco use among adults who report poor mental health.
  • Objective 2.4.1: December 31, 2018, decrease the prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults who report poor mental health by 15% from 32.5% in 2011 to 27.6 % (Data source: NYS BRFSS; Data availability: state).

    Note! In 2015, the data source for the mental health indicator changed from the ATS to the BRFSS. The baseline and targets were adjusted to reflect the use of BRFSS data.
Goal #3.1: Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery.
  • Objective 3.1.1: Identify and strengthen opportunities for sharing data on access to care, identifying service gaps, studying cost-effectiveness strategies for integration and coordination, and the impact of interventions.
  • Objective 3.1.2: Identify and strengthen opportunities for implementing MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention with individuals.
  • Objective 3.1.3: Collaborate with the chronic disease community to identify opportunities to share and disseminate scientific information, implement evidence-based interventions, and provide cross-systems training and quality improvement.
  • Objective 3.1.4: Support efforts to integrate MEB disorder screening and treatment into primary care.
Goal 3.2: Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention.
  • Objective 3.2.1: December 31, 2018, identify indicator data and establish baseline targets for data required to plan and monitor county-level, strengths-based efforts that promote MEB health and prevent substance abuse and other MEB disorders.
  • Objective 3.2.2: Identify specific roles different sectors (e.g., governmental and nongovernmental) and key initiatives (e.g., Health Reform) have in contributing toward MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention in New York State.
  • Objective 3.2.3: Collaborate with researchers and practitioners to develop and disseminate a compendium of evidence-based interventions and policies that promote MEB health and prevent MEB disorders.
  • Objective 3.2.4: Strengthen training and technical assistance of primary care physicians, MEB health workforce and community leaders in evidence-based, including cultural sensitivity training, approaches to MEB disorder prevention and mental health promotion.

a The Prevention Agenda 2013-2017 has been extended to 2018 to align its timeline with other state and federal health care reform initiatives.