The Suffolk County Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan Team, Suffolk County Department of Health Services

The Suffolk County Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan Team, Suffolk County Department of Health Services


  • Michael Jensen - Associate Public Health Sanitarian, Lawrence Stipp - Office System Analyst III, Joette Pavelka - Assistant Chief, Public and Environmental Health Laboratory, Kathleen Negri - Secretarial Assistant, Walter Dawydiak, PE – Director, Division of Environmental Quality – Team Leader, Jason Hime, PE- Associate Public Health Engineer, John Sohngen, PE - Associate Public Health Engineer

Not Pictured:

  • Alison Branco, Ph.D. - Marine Biologist, Douglas Feldman, PE - Principal Public Health Engineer, Patricia Floria, PE - Principal Public Health Engineer, Walter Hilbert, PE - Principal Public Health Engineer, Kenneth Hill - Chief, Public and Environmental Health Laboratory*, Ronald Huttie - Chief, Public and Environmental Health Laboratory*, Christopher Lubicich, PE - Principal Public Health Engineer, James Meyers, PE - Principal Public Health Engineer, Vito Minei, PE - Director, Division of Environmental Quality*, Ron Paulsen - Associate Hydrogeologist, Nancy Pierson - Senior Public Health Sanitarian, Paul Ponturo, PE - Principal Public Health Engineer, Andrew Rapiejko - Associate Hydrogeologist, Sy Robbins, PG - Senior Hydrogeologist*, Geralynn Rosser - Associate Hydrogeologist, Martin Trent - Chief Public Health Sanitarian*, Jonathan Wanlass - Assistant Hydrogeologist, Robert ("Mac") Waters - Principal Public Health Sanitarian**.
    (*) denotes former full time employees
    (**) denotes former full time employee and current part time employee

Water resource management and protection are of utmost importance in Suffolk County, since residents rely upon groundwater as their sole source of drinking water supply. The Department's highly-skilled team undertook a multi-year study which culminated in the issuance of the 2015 Suffolk County Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan. Recognizing that the protection of our water is vital to the public health of Suffolk county residents, this extensive plan(over 1,000 pages in length) seeks to protect and improve ground and surface water quality;; and enable provision of a safe supply of potable water to residents. The team collaborated with other departments, agencies and stakeholders to develop highly focused action plans to implement the goals and objectives of the larger water management plan. The countless hours and dedication demonstrated by each member of the team reveals their long- standing commitment to the public health of the residents of Long Island.

Learn more about Marine Biologists, Engineers - Public Health, Sanitary and Environmental, Public Health Sanitarians, Environmental Health Careers, and Public Health Support Staff.