Tom Maloney, Senior Supervising Health Nurse, Sullivan County Public Health Services

  • 23 years of service

Tom Maloney

Mr. Tom Maloney was selected for the Honor Roll because of the dedication and professionalism he exhibits as a Public Health Nurse. He is respected throughout the community by the patients and families he serves. Mr. Maloney began his career conducting home visits and educating residents on fundamental issues like training a new mother how to take her newborn's temperature to teaching care givers how to change a dressing. Mr. Maloney's willingness to take on responsibility has been influential in his current position as the supervising public health nurse for a variety of programs. He oversees public health nurses in the certified home health care program, WIC, public preparedness and the Epidemiology office. In addition, Mr. Maloney was one of the first certified HIV Counselors in Sullivan County.