Mpox for Healthcare Providers


NYSDOH provides guidance, resources, and infrastructure on case reporting, testing, vaccination, treatment, and infection control for healthcare providers to care for New Yorkers with suspected or confirmed mpox.

Case Reporting

Healthcare providers must immediately report suspected cases of mpox. (Mpox Case Definitions) to the local county health department (LHD) in the county in which the patient resides:

  • In New York City, report suspected cases to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene at 866-692-3641.
  • In New York State outside of New York City, contact the local health department where the patient resides.

If you are unable to reach the local health department where the patient resides, please contact the New York State Department of Health Office of Sexual Health and Epidemiology at: 518-474-3598 during business hours (Monday—Friday, 9AM – 5PM) or 866-881-2809 evenings (after 5PM), weekends, and holidays.


Providers should be alert for patients who present with rashes/lesions consistent with mpox. (See Mpox rash images). Mpox testing should be considered, especially if the person has risk factors for mpox infection.

Testing for mpox is currently available at numerous approved clinical laboratories, including but not limited to those listed below:

The process for testing is in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Instructions and details regarding specimen collection and submission in New York City (NYC) can be found here.

Contact your routine reference laboratory for specific specimen submission procedures for mpox testing, or contact your local health department for further guidance. Contact the Wadsworth Center for any additional questions related to mpox testing (


Any New Yorker at risk for mpox is eligible for the two-dose JYNNEOS vaccine (aka: IMVANEX, IMAVUNE).

New York State has access to a sufficient supply of JYNNEOS vaccine to distribute to interested New York State healthcare providers.

Get Your Supply of JYNNEOS Vaccine:

Vaccine Resources for Healthcare Providers:


Mild to Moderate Disease

This first level of care includes the maintenance of fluids, pain management, treatment of bacterial superinfections of skin lesions, and treatment of any possible co-occurring sexually transmitted or superimposed bacterial skin infections.

For those with mild to moderate disease, at low risk for severe disease, treatment includes:

  • Supportive care including fluids and wound hygiene/care.
  • Analgesics as needed.
  • Topical or aerosolized diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or lidocaine for lesion associated pruritus and pain respectively.

Supportive care includes:

  • Keeping skin lesions clean and dry to prevent further secondary infection (Oral antiseptics help keep lesions clean; Topical gels such as benzocaine/lidocaine can be used for temporary relief, while eating and drinking).
  • Treating pruritus with oral antihistamines and topical agents (e.g., calamine lotion, cortisone 10, or petroleum jelly).
  • Prescribing medicated mouthwashes for oral lesions to manage pain.
  • Recommending stool softeners and sitz baths to help manage proctitis which can occur with or without lesions.
  • Managing pain with medications such as acetaminophen or prescription medications (narcotics risk constipation).
  • Managing nausea and vomiting with anti-emetics, and diarrhea with proper hydration and electrolyte replacement.

Moderate to Severe Disease

Currently no specific are approved for mpox. However, multiple agents have been developed for smallpox, which may be beneficial in treating mpox. These include:

Treatment with Tecovirimat (TPOXX)

Providers caring for a patient diagnosed with mpox have the following options to refer them for Treatment with tecovirimat/TPOXX:

  • STOMP – Study of Tecovirimat for Mpox: Treatment of mpox with oral tecovirimat (TPOXX) is available through the Study of Tecovirimat for Human Mpox Virus (STOMP) trial being facilitated by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAD). Providers are encouraged to discuss the STOMP trial with patients with mpox. Multiple participating study sites are located within New York State. More information is available here.
  • Expanded Access Investigational New Drug (EA-IND) Protocol: Providers with patients who are not able to enroll in the STOMP trial, who decline enrollment, or who require intravenous tecovirimat (TPOXX) and meet treatment eligibility under the EA-IND protocol should work in concert with their county health department to request a supply of tecovirimat by contacting the CDC’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at (770) 488-7100 or

Please note that there is currently not a pre-positioned stockpile of tecovirimat (TPOXX) in New York State, as the federal government has concluded pre-positioning of tecovirimat as of early 2023, however doses of tecovirimat can be requested in cases where patients with mpox in need of treatment are unable to participate in the STOMP trial.

More information on obtaining tecovirimat (/TPOXX) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is available here.

Infection Control

  • If you suspect a patient has mpox, immediately notify infection prevention and control personnel.
  • Apply standard precautions for all patient care, including for patients with suspected mpox.
  • Place patients with suspected or confirmed mpox in a single-person room - special air handling is not required. Keep door closed if safe to do so.
  • Healthcare workers who enter the patient's room should use gowns, gloves, eye protection. (e.g., goggles or a face shield that covers the front and sides of the face), and a respirator (e.g., N95 or higher).
  • Perform procedures likely to spread oral secretions in an airborne infection isolation room.
  • Avoid activities that could resuspend dried materials from lesions (e.g., portable fans, dry dusting, sweeping, or vacuuming).

Standard cleaning and disinfection procedures should be done using an EPA-registered hospital-grade disinfectant with an emerging viral pathogen claim.

Detailed guidance on infection prevention and control:

Detailed guidance on environmental infection control:

Provider Webinars

Additional Provider Resources:

New York State Provider Resources

CDC Resources