Statement From Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald on National Doctors Day

ALBANY, N.Y. (March 29, 2024) – "Tomorrow, March 30, is National Doctors Day, and I would like to take the opportunity to honor the physicians in our Department—and throughout the state—for their extraordinary commitment to the care of all New Yorkers.

This day was started in 1933 by Mrs. Eudora Brown Almond, the wife of a family physician, who believed doctors deserved recognition for their tireless efforts and commitment to their patients. She rallied her neighbors in Winder, Georgia to send letters of appreciation to their doctors, and the tradition spread.

By 1958, the U.S. Congress adopted a resolution commemorating March 30 as National Doctors Day, and in 1990, President George H.W. Bush designated it an official day of recognition by the U.S. government.

It amazes me how much the medical field has changed a great deal since I graduated from medical school, but even though medical science continues to change and evolve, its core value remains the same--compassion.

It’s fitting that this year’s commemorative theme is ‘Wings & Stethoscopes: Healers of Hope.’ This is what our extraordinary healers do—offer hope to people when they are most vulnerable.

We should never forget that during the darkest and most uncertain days of the COVID-19 pandemic, our doctors tirelessly stood by our sides, often at the risk of their own health.

Today, I congratulate and thank our selfless physicians for their commendable and compassionate service.

If not for these dedicated healers, public health would not continue to advance and evolve as much as it has over the years.”