Table 3a: New York State Life Table
Total Population 1997

Age q l d L T E

<1 .00656 100000. 656. 99403. 7726233. 77.3
1-4 .00122 99344. 121. 397081. 7626830. 76.8
5-9 .00074 99223. 73. 495917. 7229749. 72.9
10-14 .00086 99150. 86. 495552. 6733832. 67.9
15-19 .00256 99064. 253. 494775. 6238281. 63.0
20-24 .00409 98811. 404. 493024. 5743505. 58.1
25-29 .00422 98407. 416. 490996. 5250481. 53.4
30-34 .00565 97991. 554. 488627. 4759486. 48.6
35-39 .00858 97437. 836. 485263. 4270859. 43.8
40-44 .01227 96601. 1185. 480278. 3785596. 39.2
45-49 .01811 95416. 1728. 473104. 3305318. 34.6
50-54 .02530 93687. 2371. 462867. 2832214. 30.2
55-59 .03873 91317. 3537. 448096. 2369348. 25.9
60-64 .05886 87780. 5167. 426499. 1921252. 21.9
65-69 .09188 82613. 7590. 394849. 1494753. 18.1
70-74 .13704 75023. 10281. 349924. 1099904. 14.7
75-79 .19637 64741. 12713. 292560. 749980. 11.6
80-84 .29884 52028. 15548. 219716. 457420. 8.8
85+ 1.00000 36480. 36480. 237706. 237706. 6.5

Table 3b: New York State Life Table
Males 1997

Age q l d L T E

<1 .00733 100000. 733. 99333. 7418263. 74.2
1-4 .00138 99267. 137. 396733. 7318930. 73.7
5-9 .00078 99130. 78. 495438. 6922197. 69.8
10-14 .00114 99052. 113. 494999. 6426759. 64.9
15-19 .00363 98939. 359. 493922. 5931760. 60.0
20-24 .00606 98580. 597. 491377. 5437838. 55.2
25-29 .00593 97983. 581. 488461. 4946461. 50.5
30-34 .00756 97402. 736. 485240. 4458000. 45.8
35-39 .01085 96665. 1049. 480913. 3972759. 41.1
40-44 .01590 95616. 1520. 474585. 3491846. 36.5
45-49 .02396 94096. 2255. 465295. 3017261. 32.1
50-54 .03211 91841. 2949. 452277. 2551966. 27.8
55-59 .04818 88892. 4283. 434184. 2099689. 23.6
60-64 .07327 84610. 6200. 408170. 1665505. 19.7
65-69 .11609 78410. 9103. 370204. 1257335. 16.0
70-74 .17125 69307. 11869. 317457. 887131. 12.8
75-79 .25029 57438. 14376. 251969. 569675. 9.9
80-84 .37453 43062. 16128. 173376. 317706. 7.4
85+ 1.00000 26934. 26934. 144329. 144329. 5.4

Table 3c: New York State Life Table
Females 1997

Age q l d L T E

<1 .00576 100000. 576. 99476. 8004210. 80.0
1-4 .00105 99424. 104. 397442. 7904734. 79.5
5-9 .00069 99320. 68. 496416. 7507291. 75.6
10-14 .00057 99252. 57. 496127. 7010875. 70.6
15-19 .00144 99195. 143. 495666. 6514748. 65.7
20-24 .00208 99052. 206. 494734. 6019081. 60.8
25-29 .00251 98846. 248. 493610. 5524347. 55.9
30-34 .00373 98598. 368. 492107. 5030737. 51.0
35-39 .00632 98230. 621. 489723. 4538629. 46.2
40-44 .00875 97610. 854. 486084. 4048906. 41.5
45-49 .01264 96756. 1223. 480966. 3562821. 36.8
50-54 .01910 95533. 1824. 473376. 3081856. 32.3
55-59 .03024 93708. 2834. 461740. 2608480. 27.8
60-64 .04613 90875. 4192. 444312. 2146740. 23.6
65-69 .07196 86683. 6238. 418443. 1702428. 19.6
70-74 .11087 80445. 8919. 380374. 1283985. 16.0
75-79 .16047 71526. 11478. 329510. 903611. 12.6
80-84 .25725 60048. 15448. 260077. 574102. 9.6
85+ 1.00000 44601. 44601. 314026. 314026. 7.0

Age -- age interval of life stated in years
q -- probability of dying during the age interval
l -- number of survivors at the beginning of the age interval
d -- number of persons dying during the age interval
L -- person years lived during the age interval
T -- person years beyond the exact age at the beginning of the age interval
E -- expectation of life at the age at the beginning of the age interval
For more details about how to read the life table columns and interpret them, see the Technical Notes.

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