Single Source Procurement: Rural Health Network Development Program

Pursuant to New York State Finance Law § 163.10(b), The New York State Department of Health is presenting the following summary of relevant circumstances, and material and substantial reasons why a competitive procurement was not feasible. The New York State Department of Health Rural Health Network Development Program has made a determination to issue a Single Source Procurement to 33 eligible grantees to support ongoing currently funded projects.

There are many unique challenges to sustaining health care systems and services in rural New York State so that residents may have access to high quality health care services. These challenges include a shortage of providers, higher rates of death than people living in the rest of the state, a population that is older and with lower incomes, a lack of public transportation and geographic barriers that often make it difficult to access health care services.

In recognition of these challenges, the New York State Department of Health provides support for the Rural Health Network Development Program (RHNDP). The need for cooperative and collaborative efforts among rural health providers is vital to ensure access to essential services and to preserve the stability and viability of rural communities.

The goal of the RHNDP is to improve the health of New Yorkers living in rural areas by supporting the development and operation of rural health networks.

Procurement/Program Name Rural Health Network Development Program
Contractor Name(s) Multiple – See attached List
Contract Period 1/1/2024 – 12/31/2024
Contract Number Multiple – See attached List