DSRIP Year 2 - Quarter 2 AV Scorecard Disclaimer

The Independent Assessor provided the PPS with a breakdown of Achievement Values (AVs) by Domain and the corresponding payments earned for this payment period via the AV Scorecard. The accompanying AV Log contains the details for the Domain 1 AVs earned by the PPS.

The AV Scorecard details the Total AVs Possible and Total AVs Earned by Domain for the PPS as well as the Total Performance Payment Available and Total Performance Payment Earned by Domain for the PPS for the 2nd Quarterly Report. The AV Scorecard. Identifies the AVs for Domain 1 milestones as well as for the Pay for Reporting (P4R) measures associated with Domain 2, Domain 3 and Domain 4 projects.

The AV Scorecard pertains only to Semi-Annual Performance Payments.