Consumer Health Care Information
The information on this web site includes physician credentials and disciplinary actions, results of recent hospital and nursing home surveys, performance measures for managed care plans, and physician and hospital performance for cardiac bypass surgery.
Consumers and providers will also find information on how to file a confidential complaint about healthcare quality, review public health laws and regulations, and gain access to clinical guidelines and other healthcare best practices.
Complaints about Care
- Adult Care and Assisted Living: 1-866-893-6772
- Funeral Homes/Directors: 518-402-0785
- Home Care and Hospice: 1-800-628-5972
- Hospital Patient Care: 1-800-804-5447
- Hospital and Diagnostic and Treatment Center: 1-800-804-5447
- Laboratory Complaints: 1-800-682-6056
- Managed Long Term Care: 1-866-712-7197
- Medicaid Fraud: 1-877-87FRAUD
- Managed Care (including commercial health plans and Medicaid managed care): 1-800-206-8125
- Nursing Home: 1-888-201-4563
- Professional Medical Conduct: 1-800-663-6114