Dear Pharmacy Director Letter: Reminder to Report Information About Seasonal Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccinations They Administer to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)

February 16, 2011

Dear Pharmacy Director:

The purpose of this letter is to remind all pharmacies employing New York State certified pharmacist immunizers of their responsibility to report information about seasonal influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations they administer to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). An annual survey for reporting purposes (Certified Pharmacist Immunizer Survey) will be available via the NYSDOH's Health Commerce System (HCS) on July, 1, 2011, and data to populate this survey should span from 6/30/10 – 7/01/11. Please see the additional attached document, "How to Obtain an HCS Account" for more information on how to obtain your HCS account if you do not currently have one.

Requirements for Reporting of Immunizations Administered

On December 3, 2008 two amendments to the New York State Education Law went into effect, allowing pharmacists to immunize those 18 years of age and older against influenza and pneumococcal diseases (Chapter 563 of the Laws of 2008). Pharmacist immunizers are also subject to two reporting requirements.

  1. The Certified Pharmacist Immunizer Survey (General Vaccine Administration Reporting for those 18 years and older):

    Education Law § 6801 requires that all pharmacists who administer vaccines report the administration, absent any individually identifiable information, to the NYSDOH in a manner required by the Commissioner of Health. For more information see Education Law § 6801:$$EDN6801$$@TXEDN06801+&LIST=SEA2+&BROWSER=EXPLORER+&TOKEN=14509903+&target=VIEW

  2. Registry Reporting for those 18 years and younger:

    1. Pharmacist immunizers located outside of New York City (NYC) must report into the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS).
      For more information see New York State Public Health Law § 2168:$$PBH2168$$@TXPBH02168+&LIST=SEA2+&BROWSER=EXPLORER+&TOKEN=14509903+&target=VIEW.

    2. Pharmacist immunizers located in NYC must report into the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's (NYCDOHMH) City Immunization Registry (CIR):
      For more information, see Health code §11.07:

Therefore, to fulfill these requirements for immunizations given to 18 year old persons, pharmacist immunizers outside of NYC must report into both NYSIIS and the Certified Pharmacist Immunizer Survey; similarly, pharmacist immunizers in NYC immunizing persons 18 years old must report into both the New York City Immunization Registry (CIR) of the New York City Department of the NYCDOHMH and the Certified Pharmacist Immunizer Survey.

According to current regulations, patient level data that must be recorded by each pharmacist immunizer includes:

  1. Recipient's name
  2. Date of vaccine administration
  3. Address at which vaccine was administered
  4. Administering pharmacist
  5. Immunizing agent
  6. Manufacturer and lot number of immunizing agent

In addition, for the 2010-2011 reporting season, the NYSDOH is requiring the following aggregated information to be reported in the annual survey on an individual pharmacist level:

  1. Total number of seasonal influenza vaccine doses administered
  2. Total number of pneumococcal vaccine doses administered
  3. An estimate of the number of persons vaccinated against seasonal influenza and pneumococcal disease by age according to the following categories:
    1. 18 years old
    2. 19-64 years of age
    3. 65 years of age and older
    4. Type of facility at which vaccination was given (e.g. pharmacy, POD, etc…)
    5. County(-ies) in which immunizing agents were given
    6. Type of individual(s) who signed your standing order (e.g. local physician, county health commissioner, etc…)
  • Pharmacists will also be asked to report the following personal information:
    1. Certified pharmacist license number
    2. Date on which immunizer certification was obtained

Pharmacies have the option of either requiring their pharmacist immunizers to report on their own behalf, or appointing one or more pharmacy representatives to report on behalf of their pharmacists, by excerpting data from NYSIIS, CIR, or other records the pharmacy maintains.

For additional information or questions for those located outside of NYC, call the NYSDOH Bureau of Immunization at 518-473-4437 or in NYC, call the NYCDOHMH Bureau of Immunization at 212-676-2323.


Debra Blog, M.D., M.P.H.
Bureau of Immunization