Nancy Collier, Fiscal Technician, Putnam County Department of Health

  • 23 Years of Service

Nancy Collier has been a dedicated member of the Putnam County Department of Health team for many years. Her vast knowledge of all things fiscal, including grant contracts, personnel matters, and current and projected budgeting of health department funds proves valuable to all staff who oversee the various department programs. Nancy is a constant source of information and her willingness and ability to go above and beyond to help her coworkers is a tremendous asset to the department. As someone who does not work directly with the public, it is easy to be overlooked as a significant contributor to public health work. In addition to the support she provides to her coworkers, Nancy played an invaluable part in achieving Public Health Accreditation. She provided information and guidance needed for several domains of accreditation. She continues this work by chairing a committee for personnel matters, ensuring the department is ready for reaccreditation.