Work-Related Asthma
Work-related asthma is more common than you think. This is asthma that is caused or worsened by breathing in chemical fumes, gases, dust or other substances on the job.
Anyone can get work-related asthma. There are hundreds of substances in the workplace, called triggers, known to cause or worsen asthma. By identifying and avoiding these triggers, a person can help their asthma. Workers, health professionals, and employers can work together to identify and control workplace triggers. Work-related asthma can be prevented.
Information for People with Asthma
Find out if your asthma is work related.
- Is Your Asthma Work Related?, also in Spanish
- Example Occupations and Substances that can Cause or Worsen Asthma
- OSHA: Do You Have Work-Related Asthma? A Guide for You and Your Doctor
Explore tools to learn more about what's causing or worsening your asthma.
- Share the Exposure History Form with your doctor.
- Keep a record of asthma attacks with the Asthma Trigger Tracker.
- Consult with the Occupational Health Clinic Network.
- Search this database of work-related asthma-causing substances.
Information for Providers
Consider work-related asthma in all adults with new-onset or worsening asthma.
- What is Work-Related Asthma?
- Work-Related Asthma: Recognition and Diagnosis webcast presented by Public Health Live!
- What is the Purpose of Taking an Exposure History? (continuing education credits may be available)
- Diagnosis and Management of Work-Related Asthma: American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Statement
- OSHA: Do You Have Work-Related Asthma? A Guide for You and Your Doctor
- Report Work-Related Asthma to the NYS DOH
Explore resources to evaluate if your patient's asthma could be work-related.
- Take an exposure history, a detailed medical history of your patient’s asthma symptoms, allergies, and the relationship of the symptoms to work (onset, timing, severity).
- Consider referral to an occupational medicine specialist for assistance with determining work-relatedness, reducing exposures, and keeping your patient on the job.
Workplace Health and Safety Information
- OSHA was created to assure safe and healthful working conditions by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance. Learn about your rights under OSHA law, and how to take action if you think something is wrong. You can also call 1-800-321-OSHA (6742).
- Employees, union officials, or employers can request an evaluation of possible health hazards associated with a job or workplace from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). NIOSH is the United States federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness. Request an evaluation from NIOSH.
- The NYS DOH Bureau of Occupational Health and Injury Prevention is staffed with industrial hygiene staff who can provide technical assistance and expertise in preventing and controlling workplace hazards.
Other Resources
- CDC/NIOSH Work-Related Asthma
- OSHA Occupational Asthma
- American Lung Association
- Asthma and Indoor Environments, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Patient Education
- Occupational Asthmagens from the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics
- Asthma Initiative of Michigan
- California Department of Public Health – Work-Related Asthma
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- Washington State Department of Labor and Industries – Work-Related Asthma
- New Jersey Department of Health - Work-Related Asthma