Social Adult Day Care (SADC) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Compliance


Welcome to the SADC HCBS Final Rule website!

DOH developed this website as a resource and repository for tools and information about compliance with the HCBS Final Rule. Please check back regularly to this announcement banner to learn about new or updated policies, email notifications, upcoming trainings or events, and other timely information including when new content is added to the website.

Please find links to current and archived documents and other resources on the left side of this page as well as quick access to important resources for MLTC plans and SADC sites in the section below.

While tools and resources related to SADC HCBS compliance will now be maintained on this website, all policies will be retained on the MRT 90 MLTC Policies page.

Important policies for MLTC plans and SADC sites to review include:

As of 7/9/2024, DOH has updated the Suggested SADC Site Evaluation Tool and corresponding User Guide for MLTC plans to utilize.

MLTC plans are required to begin utilizing the updated tool or ensuring their plan's evaluation tool includes all assessment items in the DOH tool within 30-days.

  • Suggested SADC Site Evaluation Tool for MLTC Plans V3 - (Excel) - (PDF) - 07/09/2024
  • Suggested SADC Site Evaluation Tool Guide V3 - (PDF) - 07/09/2024

For MLTC Plans
For SADC Sites