Media Advisory: New York State Department of Health Announces the Beginning of New York City Rollout of eWIC, a More Convenient Way for Families in the WIC Program to Shop for WIC Foods
Event: New York State Department of Health Launches eWIC Program in the Bronx, the first borough of New York City to roll out the new technology.
What: The State Department of Health is launching the next phase in its statewide rollout of eWIC, an electronic benefits transfer card which provides a more convenient way for families in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program to shop for WIC foods in the Bronx. The Bronx is the first borough to release this technology in New York City. It follows the successful completion of expansion to upstate New York and Long Island which began in Spring 2018. This latest rollout is part of the overall statewide implementation for all WIC clinics and vendors by Spring of 2019, well ahead of the federal 2020 deadline.
New York State Commissioner of Health Dr. Howard Zucker and representatives from St. Barnabas Hospital WIC Program will provide brief remarks about this important program. The event will also feature a live demonstration of an eWIC purchase by a local WIC recipient.
When: Friday, March 15, 2019
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Where: C-Town Foods, 668 Crescent Ave, Bronx, NY 10458