Current Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement Rates for Day Care Centers and Homes

Reimbursement Rates for Meals Served in Day Care Centers
EFFECTIVE from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
  Breakfast Lunch/Supper* Snacks
*An additional $0.3000 is reimbursed for each lunch/supper claimed for day care centers receiving cash-in-lieu of commodities.
Free $2.37 $4.43 $1.21
Reduced $2.07 $4.03 $0.60
Paid $0.39 $0.42 $0.11
At Risk N/A $4.43 (supper only) $1.21

Reimbursement Rates for Meals Served in Day Care Homes
  Breakfast Lunch/Supper Snacks
Tier 1 $ 1.66 $ 3.15 $ 0.93
Tier 2 $ 0.60 $ 1.90 $ 0.26

Administrative Rates for Sponsoring Organization of Day Care Homes
Number of Day Care Homes Rate
Initial 50 Day Care Homes $147
Next 150 Day Care Homes $112
Next 800 Day Care Homes $87
Additional Day Care Homes $77