Kia Newman, MD, Deputy Medical Examiner, Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health
- 4 Years of Service
In addition to her excellent work as Dutchess County Deputy Medical Examiner, Dr. Kia Newman, MD volunteered to assist with the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health's effort to address and respond to the opioid crisis. She collates and reviews the monthly and annual substance abuse death data collected at the County Medical Examiner's Office working with the biostatistician to analyze and best present the information in a logical way. Through 2018, Dr. Newman oversaw the Dutchess County Narcan training and distribution program working with various organizations in the community. Dr. Newman is frequently called upon to present at public/community meetings such as town hall forums, frequently organized and attended by elected officials, assisting in governmental efforts to present an empathetic rational approach to this serious problem. Over the last few years Dr. Newman has been asked to present at local hospitals as well as NYSDOH events representing Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health together with members of the Division of Mental Health.