Home and Community-Based Services Waiver/Long-Term Home Health Care Program (HCBS/LTHHCP)

Program Goal

To prevent premature and/or unwanted institutionalization by providing a coordinated plan of care and services to individuals of any age who would otherwise require nursing facility care.


  • Must be medically eligible for nursing home level of care.
  • Verify a preference to remain at home.
  • Have an assessment to confirm that needs can be safely met at home.
  • Have physician verification they are able to remain at home.
  • Require coordinated services and case management.
  • Must have the need for and be in receipt of at least one waiver service every 30 days;
  • Cost of home care services must fall within budget cap of the assessed level of care for which the person is approved; this budget cap is based on monthly local nursing home rate;
  • Be Medicaid eligible.


The LTHHCP Waiver provides a coordinated plan of care and services to individuals who would otherwise be medically eligible for placement in a hospital or nursing facility for an extended period of time if such program were unavailable. All individuals receive case management and may receive other services based on assessment and each individual's service needs. Services offered may include nursing, therapies, and personal care services. In addition, the waiver allows Medicaid to pay for some services not provided through "regular" Medicaid such as respiratory therapy, medical social services, nutritional counseling, home maintenance and modifications, vehicular modifications, moving assistance, respite care, home delivered meals, personal emergency response system, assistive technology, community transitional services, and home and community support services.

For More Information

LTHHCP is administered by local social service districts and services are provided by a certified Long Term Home Health Care Program Provider. Call your local Department of Social Services (DSS) for more information. To obtain the phone number of your local DSS, go to the New York State Department of Health website at www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/ldss.htm.

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Publication 0548
Revised 10/2013