Table 4a: Live Birth Summary by Mother's Race/Ethnicity, New York State - 2006

Category Total2 Number Total Percent Race1/Ethnicity
White Number White Percent Black Number Black Percent Other Number Other Percent Hispanic3 Number Hispanic Percent
All Births 249,182 100.0 163,769 100.0 52,212 100.0 32,903 100.0 59,488 100.0
Male 127,664 51.2 83,859 51.2 26,606 51.0 17,050 51.8 30,409 51.1
Female 121,514 48.8 79,908 48.8 25,604 49.0 15,853 48.2 29,079 48.9
Not Stated 4 0.0 2 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Mother's Age
10 - 14 220 0.1 95 0.1 109 0.2 16 0.0 97 0.2
15 - 17 5,216 2.1 2,802 1.7 1,996 3.8 411 1.2 2,289 3.8
18 - 19 12,189 4.9 7,096 4.3 4,085 7.8 996 3.0 4,612 7.8
20 - 24 51,147 20.5 31,465 19.2 13,484 25.8 6,136 18.6 16,167 27.2
25 - 29 65,527 26.3 42,104 25.7 13,510 25.9 9,836 29.9 16,330 27.5
30 - 34 64,865 26.0 44,846 27.4 10,457 20.0 9,500 28.9 11,914 20.0
35 - 39 39,799 16.0 28,248 17.2 6,612 12.7 4,892 14.9 6,462 10.9
40 - 44 9,477 3.8 6,581 4.0 1,835 3.5 1,036 3.1 1,527 2.6
45 + 712 0.3 518 0.3 118 0.2 74 0.2 87 0.1
Not Stated 30 0.0 14 0.0 6 0.0 6 0.0 3 0.0
Marital Status
Out of Wedlock 99,981 40.1 53,607 32.7 36,369 69.7 9,911 30.1 38,220 64.2
Married 146,491 58.8 107,786 65.8 15,756 30.2 22,755 69.2 21,080 35.4
Not Stated 2,710 1.1 2,376 1.5 87 0.2 237 0.7 188 0.3
< 1500 gms 3,850 1.5 2,110 1.3 1,397 2.7 337 1.0 874 1.5
1500-2499 gms 16,909 6.8 9,909 6.1 4,727 9.1 2,250 6.8 3,873 6.5
2500 + gms 228,271 91.6 151,690 92.6 46,088 88.3 30,312 92.1 54,731 92.0
Not Stated 152 0.1 60 0.0 0 0.0 4 0.0 10 0.0
Single Births 239,677 96.2 156,958 95.8 50,428 96.6 32,003 97.3 58,003 97.5
Twins 9,038 3.6 6,415 3.9 1,738 3.3 875 2.7 1,436 2.4
Triplets + 459 0.2 390 0.2 46 0.1 23 0.1 49 0.1
Not Stated 8 0.0 6 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0
Month PNC Began
1st - 3rd month 174,252 69.9 120,191 73.4 32,817 62.9 21,151 64.3 38,092 64.0
4th - 6th month 47,778 19.2 27,749 16.9 12,052 23.1 7,929 24.1 14,592 24.5
7th - 9th month 10,606 4.3 5,358 3.3 3,533 6.8 1,706 5.2 3,508 5.9
No PNC 1,454 0.6 729 0.4 575 1.1 139 0.4 381 0.6
PNC Start Unk 5,751 2.3 4,307 2.6 721 1.4 711 2.2 811 1.4
PNC Unknown 9,341 3.7 5,435 3.3 2,514 4.8 1,267 3.9 2,104 3.5
Order of Birth
1st Child 108,730 43.6 70,267 42.9 22,206 42.5 16,058 48.8 24,831 41.7
2nd Child 77,845 31.2 52,011 31.8 15,005 28.7 10,780 32.8 18,545 31.2
3rd Child 36,948 14.8 24,495 15.0 8,368 16.0 4,059 12.3 9,971 16.8
4th Child + 25,659 10.3 16,996 10.4 6,633 12.7 2,006 6.1 6,141 10.3
Method of Delivery
Vaginal 168,131 67.5 110,873 67.7 34,266 65.6 22,751 69.1 40,868 68.7
Cesarean 81,001 32.5 52,878 32.3 17,936 34.4 10,141 30.8 18,612 31.3
Not Stated 50 0.0 18 0.0 10 0.0 11 0.0 8 0.0
Mother's Education
< 12 Years 47,745 19.2 27,167 16.6 12,330 23.6 8,211 25.0 23,698 39.8
12 Years 66,239 26.6 39,788 24.3 17,646 33.8 8,744 26.6 17,582 29.6
13-15 Years 56,934 22.8 37,497 22.9 13,935 26.7 5,493 16.7 11,210 18.8
16 Years 38,749 15.6 28,344 17.3 4,799 9.2 5,588 17.0 3,708 6.2
17+ Years 37,267 15.0 29,452 18.0 3,181 6.1 4,614 14.0 2,992 5.0
Not Stated 2,248 0.9 1,521 0.9 321 0.6 253 0.8 298 0.5
Place of Birth
Hospital 244,713 98.2 160,247 97.8 51,739 99.1 32,582 99.0 59,027 99.2
Home 1,315 0.5 896 0.5 237 0.5 53 0.2 149 0.3
Other 3,150 1.3 2,625 1.6 236 0.5 268 0.8 312 0.5
Not Stated 4 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Physician 220,427 88.5 143,940 87.9 46,949 89.9 29,405 89.4 52,104 87.6
Cert Midwife 24,965 10.0 16,893 10.3 4,871 9.3 3,166 9.6 6,862 11.5
Other 1,442 0.6 915 0.6 291 0.6 116 0.4 331 0.6
Not Stated 2,348 0.9 2,021 1.2 101 0.2 216 0.7 191 0.3

1 Race variable is coded differently for births recorded in NYS Exclusive of NYC and births recorded in NYC. For this table, "White Alone" is pooled with "White" and "Black Alone" is pooled with "Black". See the Technical Notes for details.

2 Total Births includes births with race= "Not Stated".

3 Hispanic is a separate count equal to Hispanic White + Hispanic Black + Hispanic Other + Hispanic Race Not Stated.