Table 5a: Live Birth Summary by Mother's Age, New York State - 2006

Category Mother's Age
Total <15 15-17 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45 + N.S.
All Births 249,182 220 5,216 12,189 51,147 65,527 64,865 39,799 9,477 712 30
Male 127,664 117 2,595 6,176 26,286 33,574 33,222 20,493 4,796 388 17
Female 121,514 103 2,621 6,013 24,860 31,953 31,641 19,305 4,681 324 13
Not Stated 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0
White 163,769 95 2,802 7,096 31,465 42,104 44,846 28,248 6,581 518 14
Black 52,212 109 1,996 4,085 13,484 13,510 10,457 6,612 1,835 118 6
Other 32,903 16 411 996 6,136 9,836 9,500 4,892 1,036 74 6
Not Stated 298 0 7 12 62 77 62 47 25 2 4
Hispanic 59,488 97 2,289 4,612 16,167 16,330 11,914 6,462 1,527 87 3
NonHispanic 189,694 123 2,927 7,577 34,980 49,197 52,951 33,337 7,950 625 27
Marital Status
Out of Wedlock 99,981 215 4,953 10,531 33,197 25,543 14,711 8,330 2,321 178 2
Married 146,491 5 244 1,584 17,593 39,426 49,292 30,825 7,000 519 3
Not Stated 2,710 0 19 74 357 558 862 644 156 15 25
< 1500 gms 3,850 12 113 246 745 885 927 691 209 22 0
1500-2499 gms 16,909 17 444 1,002 3,377 4,030 4,204 2,871 842 120 2
2500 + gms 228,271 191 4,659 10,940 46,990 60,569 59,704 36,215 8,409 569 25
Not Stated 152 0 0 1 35 43 30 22 17 1 3
Single Births 239,677 214 5,147 11,934 49,962 63,379 61,896 37,673 8,894 548 30
Twins 9,038 6 66 243 1,146 2,057 2,812 1,992 555 161 0
Triplets + 459 0 3 12 36 91 155 131 28 3 0
Not Stated 8 0 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 0 0
Month PNC Began
1st - 3rd month 174,252 63 2,489 6,685 31,709 46,255 49,208 30,361 7,006 474 2
4th - 6th month 47,778 71 1,699 3,607 12,768 12,545 9,754 5,692 1,508 133 1
7th - 9th month 10,606 46 527 978 2,928 2,662 1,996 1,163 283 23 0
No PNC 1,454 13 68 121 413 356 246 179 55 2 1
PNC Start Unk 5,751 9 168 302 1,157 1,290 1,480 1,046 251 27 21
PNC Unknown 9,341 18 265 496 2,172 2,419 2,181 1,358 374 53 5
Order of Birth
1st Child 108,730 214 4,851 9,862 28,593 27,544 23,207 11,577 2,624 245 13
2nd Child 77,845 6 344 2,044 15,729 21,063 22,532 13,153 2,775 190 9
3rd Child 36,948 0 20 263 5,154 10,183 11,052 8,255 1,920 97 4
4th Child + 25,659 0 1 20 1,671 6,737 8,074 6,814 2,158 180 4
Method of Delivery
Vaginal 168,131 180 4,165 9,368 38,469 46,089 41,539 23,181 4,853 267 20
Cesarean 81,001 40 1,050 2,821 12,670 19,423 23,316 16,608 4,620 444 9
Not Stated 50 0 1 0 8 15 10 10 4 1 1
Mother's Education
< 12 Years 47,745 216 4,494 5,619 14,511 11,305 6,962 3,609 945 78 6
12 Years 66,239 1 657 5,002 19,707 18,393 12,571 7,719 2,062 122 5
13-15 Years 56,934 0 19 1,450 13,226 17,040 14,417 8,645 2,008 125 4
16 Years 38,749 0 0 4 2,434 10,298 14,342 9,358 2,146 161 6
17+ Years 37,267 0 0 0 721 7,907 16,052 10,131 2,236 217 3
Not Stated 2,248 3 46 114 548 584 521 337 80 9 6
Physician 220,427 182 4,363 10,250 43,310 57,602 58,777 36,502 8,769 664 8
Cert Midwife 24,965 35 803 1,825 7,132 7,051 5,046 2,522 520 29 2
Other 1,442 3 30 56 418 397 279 195 54 7 3
Not Stated 2,348 0 20 58 287 477 763 580 134 12 17

1 Race variable is coded differently for births recorded in NYS Exclusive of NYCand births recorded in NYC. For this table, "White Alone" is pooled with "White" and "Black Alone" is pooled with "Black". See the Technical Notes for details.