Table 19: Induced Abortion Summary by Woman's Race/Ethnicity - New York State 2009

Category1 Total Number2 Total Percent Race Ethnicity
White Number White Percent Black Number Black Percent Other Number Other Percent Hispanic Number3 Hispanic Percent
Total Abortions 115,008 100.0 51,388 100.0 49,667 100.0 6,725 100.0 31,662 100.0
Woman's Age
< 15 600 0.5 228 0.4 305 0.6 35 0.5 177 0.6
15-17 7,173 6.3 3,058 6.0 3,427 6.9 280 4.2 2,155 6.8
18-19 11,883 10.4 5,463 10.7 5,249 10.6 486 7.3 3,512 11.2
20-24 35,231 30.8 16,302 31.9 15,074 30.5 1,666 24.9 9,998 31.7
25-29 27,882 24.3 12,418 24.3 12,002 24.2 1,644 24.5 7,756 24.6
30-34 17,591 15.4 7,562 14.8 7,699 15.6 1,230 18.3 4,687 14.9
35-39 10,202 8.9 4,379 8.6 4,215 8.5 921 13.7 2,408 7.6
40-44 3,604 3.1 1,544 3.0 1,408 2.8 397 5.9 720 2.3
45+ 357 0.3 165 0.3 123 0.2 44 0.7 81 0.3
<9 Weeks 64,470 60.7 29,452 61.8 27,499 58.7 4,180 66.3 18,201 61.3
9-10 Weeks 18,981 17.9 8,506 17.8 8,470 18.1 991 15.7 5,306 17.9
11-12 Weeks 9,937 9.4 4,277 9.0 4,650 9.9 465 7.4 2,764 9.3
13-15 Weeks 6,305 5.9 2,717 5.7 3,012 6.4 288 4.6 1,734 5.8
16-19 Weeks 4,075 3.8 1,662 3.5 2,079 4.4 209 3.3 1,054 3.6
20+ Weeks 2,458 2.3 1,072 2.2 1,112 2.4 176 2.8 619 2.1
Previous Abortions
None 47,332 43.9 23,881 49.3 17,182 36.1 3,407 53.7 12,791 42.7
1 27,646 25.6 12,068 24.9 12,674 26.6 1,583 24.9 7,934 26.5
2 16,356 15.2 6,551 13.5 8,352 17.6 760 12.0 4,648 15.5
3 8,220 7.6 2,954 6.1 4,635 9.7 311 4.9 2,228 7.4
4 3,930 3.6 1,390 2.9 2,244 4.7 139 2.2 1,086 3.6
5+ 4,342 4.0 1,575 3.3 2,474 5.2 148 2.3 1,274 4.3
Hospital 11,835 10.3 5,452 10.6 4,976 10.0 717 10.7 3,839 12.1
Not in Hospital 103,172 89.7 45,935 89.4 44,691 90.0 6,008 89.3 27,822 87.9
Financial Coverage
Medicaid 45,722 41.8 19,807 40.2 21,523 44.6 2,220 34.0 14,150 46.9
HMO 3,487 3.2 2,025 4.1 844 1.7 127 1.9 325 1.1
Other Ins 31,841 29.1 12,615 25.6 16,152 33.5 1,823 28.0 7,926 26.3
Self Pay 28,118 25.7 14,673 29.8 9,613 19.9 2,346 36.0 7,708 25.6
More Than One 275 0.3 129 0.3 124 0.3 4 0.1 40 0.1
Operative Procedure4
D & C 4,138 3.6 2,347 4.6 1,229 2.5 346 5.2 944 3.0
Suction & Cur 85,072 74.7 36,513 71.8 38,490 78.1 4,789 71.6 23,795 75.7
D & E 11,386 10.0 4,621 9.1 5,759 11.7 557 8.3 2,997 9.5
Saline Injection 5 25 0.0 13 0.0 5 0.0 7 0.1 6 0.0
Prostaglandin 37 0.0 22 0.0 7 0.0 3 0.0 4 0.0
Medical 13,783 12.1 7,686 15.1 4,015 8.1 994 14.9 3,810 12.1
Other 240 0.2 186 0.4 34 0.1 9 0.1 8 0.0

1 Categories will not add to Total Number because of unknown information

2 Total Induced Abortions = White + Black + Other + Not Stated

3 Hispanic Induced Abortions is a separate count equal to Hispanic White + Hispanic Black + Hispanic Other + Hispanic Not Stated.

4 For Induced Abortions occurring in New York City, only primary operative procedure is reported. In counties outside of New York City, each Operative Procedure is counted separately. Total operative procedures will be greater than the total of Induced Abortions.

5 New York City combines saline and prostaglandin injection and this combination is reported in the saline injection procedure.