Table 31b : Death Summary Information by Race/Ethnicity New York State Exclusive of New York City- 2012

Category Total Number(2) Total Percent Race(1)/Ethnicity
White Number White Percent Black Number Black Percent Other Number Other Percent Hispanic Number(3) Hispanic Percent
All Deaths 96,448 100.0 88,413 100.0 6,427 100.0 1,514 100.0 2,662 100.0
Male 46,657 48.4 42,550 48.1 3,245 50.5 803 53.0 1,463 55.0
Female 49,790 51.6 45,862 51.9 3,182 49.5 711 47.0 1,199 45.0
Not Stated 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
< 1 656 0.7 434 0.5 167 2.6 50 3.3 89 3.3
1 - 9 170 0.2 130 0.1 28 0.4 10 0.7 27 1.0
10 - 19 359 0.4 287 0.3 56 0.9 16 1.1 43 1.6
20 - 24 590 0.6 461 0.5 101 1.6 27 1.8 67 2.5
25 - 34 1,193 1.2 977 1.1 169 2.6 41 2.7 145 5.4
35 - 44 1,848 1.9 1,518 1.7 270 4.2 58 3.8 138 5.2
45 - 54 5,457 5.7 4,654 5.3 656 10.2 141 9.3 300 11.3
55 - 64 10,852 11.3 9,431 10.7 1,176 18.3 234 15.5 385 14.5
65 - 74 15,006 15.6 13,471 15.2 1,244 19.4 275 18.2 427 16.0
75 - 84 24,387 25.3 22,693 25.7 1,347 21.0 331 21.9 510 19.2
85+ 35,906 37.2 34,345 38.9 1,212 18.9 330 21.8 530 19.9
Cause of Death
Heart Disease 26,739 27.7 24,643 27.9 1,673 26.0 399 26.4 584 21.9
Mal Neoplasms 23,005 23.9 21,083 23.8 1,522 23.7 388 25.6 612 23.0
Cerebrovas Dis 4,373 4.5 3,978 4.5 315 4.9 77 5.1 131 4.9
AIDS 165 0.2 82 0.1 78 1.2 5 0.3 20 0.8
Pneumonia 2,072 2.1 1,918 2.2 124 1.9 29 1.9 55 2.1
CLRD 5,323 5.5 5,074 5.7 206 3.2 40 2.6 60 2.3
Diabetes Mellitus 2,205 2.3 1,913 2.2 230 3.6 61 4.0 74 2.8
Accidents 3,842 4.0 3,526 4.0 227 3.5 80 5.3 229 8.6
Other 28,724 29.8 26,196 29.6 2,052 31.9 435 28.7 897 33.7
Hospital 43,205 44.9 38,540 43.7 3,742 58.3 876 58.1 1,500 56.5
Home/Pub Place 24,633 25.6 23,005 26.1 1,264 19.7 342 22.7 575 21.6
Nursing Home 21,518 22.4 20,309 23.0 994 15.5 201 13.3 322 12.1
Hospice 4,896 5.1 4,571 5.2 264 4.1 58 3.8 144 5.4
Oth Institution 1,936 2.0 1,746 2.0 150 2.3 32 2.1 116 4.4
Type of Disposition
Burial 49,947 51.8 45,062 51.0 4,110 63.9 748 49.4 1,513 56.8
Cremation 38,242 39.7 35,479 40.1 2,041 31.8 692 45.7 1,009 37.9
Other/Unknown 8,259 8.6 7,872 8.9 276 4.3 74 4.9 140 5.3

(1) Race coding based on 2000 Census categories: White Alone, Black Alone, Other, Not Stated.

(2) Total Deaths includes deaths with race "Not Stated".

(3) Hispanic is a separate count equal to Hispanic White + Hispanic Black + Hispanic Other + Hispanic Race Not Stated.