NYEIS Training Page

A variety of resources exist to assist new and experienced NYEIS user including pre-recorded webinars, a user manual, and resources dedicated to specific system functionality. Webinars are available on the Departments website below.

NYEIS Training Webinars

Additional User Resources

Addition resources such as the NYEIS User Manual, Targeted Resource Documents, Data Change Request, Feature Request and information regarding electronical claiming in NYEIS are located in the NYEIS folder on the NYSDOH Health Commerce System (HCS). These documents can be accessed regularly and downloaded locally to your computer.

To locate these documents on the HCS:

  • Log into HCS
  • Select the My Content button on the Top Menu Bar of the HCS Portal page, then select Documents by Group.
  • Click on the link for your appropriate group from the My Groups section (e.g., LHD)
    • If you do not see your Group in the drop down, click the View All Document Groups link.
  • Select the green '+' next to your group.
  • Select the "Family and Community Health" link
  • Select the "Early Intervention" link
  • Select the "NYEIS" link. Click on 'Add to Fav' at the end of this displayed path to more easily access the NYEIS Document Group from HCS Home.
  • If you have added the NYEIS folder to your favorites in HCS, this folder will now be available from your HCS homepage under "My Favorites"

NYEIS Support

NYEIS End User Support services provided by CMA Consulting Services is available for any questions related to the NYEIS application. Trained specialists are available to assist with general information regarding NYEIS as well as system troubleshooting. The services are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. They can be reached at nyeis@cma.com by phone at (518) 640-8390 or toll-free at 1-833-395-7058.

NYEIS Electronic Mailing List

The purpose of the NYEIS electronic mailing list is to notify system users of important system news such as system modifications, outages and the availability of new resources.

To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to listserv@list.ny.gov with "Subscribe" in the subject line and include in the body of the e-mail subscribe NYEIS-L, your first name and last name, remove any e-mail signatures then click send. Your e-mail address will be added to the mailing list. You should receive a Listserv List confirmation email and you will need to click the link in this email to confirm your subscription. If you do not receive this confirmation email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk message box for the e-mail to confirm your subscription.

To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail to nyeislist@health.ny.gov with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail.