CFC Option Advisory Group Decision Points

  • Presentation is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF, 123KB)

August 20, 2012

Decision Points

  • Who is eligible for CFC?
  • What is CFC Option? Which services are included?
  • What about rental subsidy/ assistance?
  • What delivery model should the state pursue? Should we consider phasing various models in over time?
  • How do we ensure that CFC and managed care can work together?

Permissive Services?

Permissive Services:

Expenditures for transition costs such as rent and utility deposits, first month's rent and utilities, bedding, basic kitchen supplies, and other necessities linked to an assessed need for an individual to transition from an institution to a community based setting. NOTE: if states offer any of these services they must offer them all.

Expenditures related to an assessed need reflected in the plan of care that increase independence or substitute for human assistance to the extent that expenditures would have been made for the human assistance.