Dear Administrator Letter

  • Letter is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)

October 6, 2023

Dear Administrator:

This letter provides information regarding updates to your Residential Health Care Facility (RHCF) rates for the periods beginning April 1, 2023 and July 1, 2023, and your Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) rates for the period beginning April 1, 2023. These rates contain the following update:

  • 6.5% Across the Board Nursing Home Investment: Chapter 57 of the laws of 2023 established a uniform rate increase to the operating component of nursing home rates in the amount of 6.5%. Chapter 57 of the laws of 2023 allows for a total increase of up to 7.5%, which can be implemented upon approval from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS).

Based on the above, the Department has increased the operating component of the rate by 6.5%. This will appear as part of the Miscellaneous Per Diem line on your RHCF rate sheet. A backup file with detail of what is included in the Miscellaneous Per Diem line is available via the Healthcare Financial Data Gateway on the Health Commerce System (HCS), as well as on the DOH website. The processing for the Across the Board Investment will take effect in cycle #2408 with a release date of 11/1/23.

Should you have any questions regarding these payments please email and someone will respond to your inquiry.


Laura Rosenthal, Director
Bureau of Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Rate Setting Division of Finance and Rate Setting
Office of Health Insurance Programs