Home Care Cost Report

  • The Home Care Cost Report Tool can be accessed at the following link: Home Care Dashboard (certisphere.com). Upon entering this link, please select the cost report year you would like to enter.
  • The log-in credentials will be the same for each years cost report Tools. If you forgot your password, please click the "Forgot Password?" link on the Web-based Tool log-in page. You will then be sent an email containing the steps to reset your password.
  • If you have not completed the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023 Home Care Cost Report(s) and require a new Web-based Tool account, please send a request to the designated KPMG Home Care Cost Report mailbox at us-advrisknyshc@kpmg.com. Please include your agency’s name, and the full name and email addresses of the individuals who should have access to the Tool as part of your request.
  • 2023 Home Care Cost Report Instructions - (Web) - (PDF) Updated 6.14.2024
  • 2022 Home Care Cost Report Instructions - (Web) - (PDF) Updated 8.23.2023
  • 2021 Home Care Cost Report Instructions - (Web) - (PDF)
  • 2021 Home Care Cost Report Timeline and Outreach Plan - (Web) - (PDF)
  • Home Care Cost Report Policy and Procedure Template - (Docx) - (PDF)
  • 2020 Home Care Cost Report Instructions - (Web) - (PDF)
  • 2020 Home Care Cost Report Timeline and Outreach Plan - (Web) - (PDF)
  • Supporting Documentation Template - (XLSM) Updated 8.23.2023
  • Supporting Documentation Template Updated 6.21.2023 - Example Data:
  • June 13, 2024 - 2023 Home Care Cost Report June 2024 Outreach Session (PDF)
  • March 23, 2023 - 2021 Home Care Cost Report Lessons Learned Webinar (PDF)
    • Frequently Asked Questions - (Web) - (PDF) - 3.23.2023
  • October 4, 2022 - 2021 Home Care Cost Report October 2022 Outreach Session (PDF)
  • September 14, 2022 - 2021 Home Care Cost Report September 2022 Outreach Session (PDF)
  • August 23, 2022 - 2021 Home Care Cost Report August 2022 Outreach Session (PDF)
  • July 21, 2022 - 2021 Home Care Cost Report July 2022 Outreach Session (PDF)
  • June 28, 2022 - 2021 Home Care Cost Report Initial Outreach Session (PDF)
  • December 2, 2020 - Audit Process Workshop (PDF)
  • October 28, 2020 - October Outreach Session (PDF)
  • October 8, 2020 - October Outreach Session (PDF)
  • September 30, 2020 - September Outreach Session (PDF)
  • September 17, 2020 - Audit Process Workshop (PDF)
  • August 26, 2020 - August Outreach Session (PDF)
  • July 29, 2020 - July Outreach Session (PDF)
  • June 24, 2020 - June Outreach Session (PDF)
  • June 2, 2020 - Initial Statewide Outreach Session (PDF)
  • Contact Information in Portable Document Format

    1. For any of the below inquiries, please send an email to KPMG at us-advrisknyshc@kpmg.com. For all login credential requests, please be sure to include the full name and email address of the individual who needs access to the Web-based Tool or the SFTP site. Due to the potentially large volume of emails, we will do our best to respond to your inquiry within 72 hours.
      • Requesting login credentials for the Web-based Tool for additional individuals from your agency or a consultant
      • Requesting login credentials for the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site for additional individuals from your agency or a consultant
      • Technical inquiries related to the Web-based Tool
      • Inquiries related to the audit process
      For all login credential requests, please be sure to include the full name and email address of the individual who needs access to the Web-based Tool or the SFTP site. Due to the potentially large volume of emails, we will do our best to respond to your inquiry within 72 hours.
    2. For any inquiries about the cost report technical components or due dates, please send an email to DOH at Homecare.reports@health.ny.gov.