Registration of Temporary Health Care Services Agencies and Health Care Technology Platforms


In the NYS Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget, Article 29-k was added to the Public Health Law requiring Temporary Health Care Services Agencies to register with the New York State Department of Health beginning August 1st, 2023, see Article 29-K of the PHL. The Registration Year begins each August 1st and ends July 31st. Instructions are below for initial registration and registration renewals.

Briefly, "Temporary Health Care Services Agency" (or simply "agency") means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other company in the business of providing or procuring temporary employment of health care personnel for Health Care Entities. "Health Care Entity" (or simply "Entity") means an entity, corporation, facility, or individual providing medical or health care services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can be found at Registration of Temporary Health Care Services Agencies and Health Care Technology Platforms Frequently Asked Questions

Other questions may be submitted to

Instructions for Initial Registration and Registration Renewals

To register as a new Temporary Health Care Service Agency in New York State, an agency must complete A and B below.

To renew an existing registration, an agency must complete only A below. The Registration Period begins each August 1st and ends each July 31st.

  1. Print and complete the Agency Registration Form (PDF) (updated June 2024) and then mail it, along with a non-refundable check or money order for $1,000 (payable to "New York State Department of Health") to:
    • Office of Health Care Workforce Innovation
      New York State Department of Health
      Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower, Room 1695
      Albany, NY 12237
  2. Use SendVault to electronically submit the following four (04) appendices in PDF format (SendVault instructions are below on this page.)
    1. Appendix 1 (PDF): Agency is of good moral character. Updated June 2024
      Download and complete this form.
    2. Appendix 2: Agency personnel licensing, training, and continuing education standards.
      As a condition of registration, agencies must maintain documentation that all health care personnel meet minimum licensing, training, and continuing education standards. Pursuant to PHL § 2999-jj(3)(e), these records must be maintained for six years and be made available to the Department upon request. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, a copy of personnel's state licensure, education transcripts, certificates of good standing, verification of registration status, copies of a verification search from the State Education Department's website, and/or proof that personnel have completed continuing education requirements. For purposes of the application, applicants only need to submit the agency's policies on license verification, training, and continuing education.
    3. Appendix 3: Administrator resume(s).
      Please submit the agency administrator's resume in PDF format.
    4. Appendix 4: Contracts between the Agency and Health Care Entities.
      Please submit all contracts between the agency and the entities in New York State in PDF format. Note: after registration, newly executed contracts must be submitted via SendVault within 5 business days of the effective date.

Quarterly Reporting Instructions

Reporting Period Due Date for Quarterly Reporting to DOH
Jan 1, 2024 – Mar 31, 2024 May 31, 2024
Apr 1, 2024 – Jun 30, 2024 August 31, 2024
Jul 1, 2024 – Sep 30, 2024 November 30, 2024
Oct 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024 February 28, 2025

To remain registered as a Temporary Health Care Services Agency in New York State, an agency must submit a Quarterly Reporting Package via SendVault within 60 days of the end of a quarter. Updated June 2024: due-dates have been amended from 1 month after quarter-end to 2 months after quarter-end.

Quarterly Reporting package: The Quarterly Reporting Package consists of 5 items. Agencies must download and complete the Quarterly Reporting file in Excel and Appendices 6, 7, and 8. Also required is a compendium of invoices in PDF format.

  1. Quarterly Reporting file (Excel)This template has been updated June 2024
  2. Appendix 6 (Excel) - Full description of administrative charges. Pursuant to PHL § 2999-mm, temporary health care services agencies must report a full disclosure of charges and compensation. This includes a full description of administrative charges including but not limited to fees charged by an agency for record-keeping; administration of the contract; overhead expenses for things such as rent, utilities, equipment, supplies, insurance policies; or salaries and benefits of administrative staff at the agency.
  3. Appendix 7 (Excel) - Itemized invoice list - Updated March 2024
  4. Appendix 8 (PDF) - Attestation file for Quarterly Reporting
  5. Invoices (PDF format) - Submit copies of each invoice to health care entities for expenses incurred during the quarter, in PDF format.

Instructions for Submitting Data via SendVault

Other than the $1000 check and the Registration Form which are mailed to the Department, all other materials should be sent to the Department electronically using the secure file transfer tool, SendVault

  1. Download the Registration or Quarterly Reporting materials from the links above. Complete each file and appendix.
  2. Follow the SendVault instructions (PDF) here